Vestry minutes 2022 – 2023

Minutes of meetings since the December 2022 AGM.
Minutes are added only after they have been approved (and, if necessary, amended) at the following meeting.

17 January 2023 | 21 February 2023 | 21 March 2023 | 18 April 2023 | 16 May 2023 |20 June 2023 | 18 July 2023 | 15 August 2023 | 19 September 2023 | 17 October 2023 | 21 November 2023

Previous year:
2021 – 2022 minutes

Tuesday 21 November 2023, 7.00 pm in the Old School

A.      Opening Prayer

B.      Apologies
Christine McLachlan

C.      Participants
Paul Beck (Secretary), Adam Bolam-Peel, Gerard Henry, Ruth Johnson, Edward Martin, John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor)

D.      Minutes of meeting 17th October 2023.
Accepted as a true record; proposed Gerard, seconded Ruth.

1          Safeguarding

1.1    PVG -nothing to report to Vestry.

1.2    Health and Safety
We will consider the need for risk assessments when looking at the plaster repair on the North wall (if members of the congregation are involved) and when looking at furniture moving and lighting for Christmas services.  

1.3    Data Protection -nothing to report to Vestry.

2       Worship and faith formation

2.1    Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc

2.2    Services
Over the Christmas period, Sunday and Wednesday services at St. John’s will be as normal except:

Sunday 17/12
10.00am – joint Advent 3 Eucharist with St. Cuthbert’s
3.00pm – Carol Service in conjunction with Jedburgh Rotary

Monday 25/12
10.00am – Christmas Day Eucharist

Wednesday 27/12
10.00am (John, Apostle and Evangelist) – Holy Communion with Christmas leftover refreshments afterwards.

2.3    Study courses
A single Advent session will be offered by Zoom on Tuesday 19th December.

3       Outreach and ministry

3.1    Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
Recent Memorial Book entries have been made by Alison Michell, a calligrapher living in Eccles.

3.2    Pastoral care
We were pleased to note that a member of the congregation has at last been discharged from the Borders General to St. Andrew’s Nursing Home, Hawick.

3.3    Church opening
Members of the congregation stepped in to open and close the church during the Summer holiday and will need to do so again 21 – 30 November. During the winter months, we will advertise the church as being open from 10.00 to dusk.

4       Leadership and governance

4.1    Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
Paul reported back on the Diocesan Office open day held in the hall at Holy Trinity, Melrose on 19th October and recommended members to attend if it is offered again in the Borders.

4.2    Administration

a.      Appointment of Andi Hofbauer
The order of service for Andi’s licensing on Thursday 17th December is now finalised. There is a role for two or more Vestry members and others making brief statements of presentation to the Bishop.

b.      Arrangements for the partnership with St. Cuthbert’s
The Diocesan Office will prepare a printed copy of the MOU to be signed at or after the Licensing.

4.3         AGM arrangements

Susan Macdonald will chair the meeting. The draft agenda was circulated and agreed. A nomination form is available now in the church, and notice will be given for the preceding two weeks. Bob King has provided his final Interim Pastor’s Report; the others – Secretary, Buildings, Safeguarding – are needed as soon as possible.

Lesley Thomson is happy to be reappointed as Independent Examiner.           

5          Stewardship

5.1    Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
John Ogilvie has been added as a signatory on the Vestry current account.

5.2    Financials

a.      Reports
The bank balance at the end of October was £97,241.

Note 1: it included £22,000 listed as “bequests” but this figure includes £2,000 of an unspent Covid Recovery grant.

Our Independent Examiner having advised us to make sure that we minute a decision about each new unrestricted bequest if we wish to ringfence it from routine expenditure, Vestry agreed to include the recent bequest from David Ogilvie in the money intended for the accessibility project that has been on hold during our vacancy.

Note 2: On 26th October, more than £9,000 was spent up front for plumbing and heating supplies for the Rectory refurbishment.

b.      Quota
Jedburgh’s quota allocation for 2024 is slightly lower than last year’s, at £3030. A monthly standing order has been set up for 10 payments of £303, starting on 10 December.

c.      Stipend and Pension contributions
We await the figures for our monthly payments to the Payroll service and the SEC pension scheme. Our preference is for each charge to pay 50% to keep the accounting as simple as possible.

d.      Shared expenses
Andi’s removal expenses (£x) have been reimbursed by Jedburgh and 50% of that cost repaid to us by Hawick Vestry. The Council Tax bill has yet to be received.

We have renewed the Rectory buildings insurance (£x) and await a 50% contribution from Hawick Vestry.

Hawick will soon have no Treasurer, so the future mechanism for sharing expenses will have to wait for discussions after the two AGMs.

e.      Diocesan support
Payments will be made each month to our bank account. The agreed annual amount for the first year (and continuing, subject to review) is £x.

f.      Annual accounts
The 2022-23 accounts were unanimously approved (proposed by Edward, seconded by John) and then signed by Paul and Gerard. Gerard will then have them signed by Lesley, our Independent Examiner, ready for adoption at the AGM.  

g.      Advent appeal
Our 2023 Advent Appeal will run for four weeks from 3rd December. We decided again to support Aberlour Options (Borders) and Simon and Grace Stretton-Downes’ work with SIM at the Trinity Dental Clinic in Liberia.

5.2    Buildings

a.      Church
The fire extinguisher inspection of all our buildings took place on 16th November.

Scott & Foggon, electricians, confirm that re-wiring to segregate the under-pew heaters into programmable zones would be expensive and do not recommend it.

John has discussed the QQR report with Harkins, builders: their report and a proposed programme of work is awaited. Finials, slates and gutters will have to take priority.

b.      Rectory
The refurbishmentwork is going well. Andi and Ros move in on 29th– 30th November.

c.       Old School
The agents’ survey has been received; it notes the need for work on the roof.

d.      Flat
The metal window frames, which cause condensation and draughts, are unlikely to be easily repairable. Detachable Perspex secondary glazing will be considered.
Action: Adam to investigate.  

6       Declarations of interest

7       Other business
Gerard asked if we could concentrate on more well-known, “singalong” hymns. 

8       Date of next meetings

  • AGM: after the service on Sunday 10th December.
  • December Vestry meeting: we agreed to change the date to accommodate the Advent Zoom study session on Tuesday 19th December. We will instead have a short meeting with Andi soon after the AGM to look at appointments and/or co-options.
  • January Vestry meeting – Andi has asked if we can move that meeting to accommodate her visit to see her mother in Germany. We agreed to discuss this with her after her move to the Rectory.
  • Vestry is happy to keep meeting in person at the Old School as long as driving conditions are safe, failing which meetings will take place on Zoom.


Tuesday 17 October 2023, 7.00 pm in the Old School

A. Opening Prayer

B.        Apologies
John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor), Edward Martin

C.        Participants
Paul Beck (Secretary), Gerard Henry, Ruth Johnson, Christine McLachlan, Adam Bolam-Peel.

D.        Minutes of meeting 19th September 2023.
Accepted as a true record: proposed Gerard, seconded Christine.

1          Safeguarding

1.1      PVG
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.2      Health and Safety
The main thrust of the “Health and Safety Resources for Congregations” information and online training from the Provincial Buildings Committee is to avoid the danger of injury associated with DIY repairs and maintenance, furniture moving, etc, by assessing the risks methodically beforehand and completing an assessment in the book held by John.

1.3      Data Protection
Nothing to report to Vestry.

2         Worship and faith formation

2.1      Services  
We have invited the congregation of St. Cuthbert’s to join us at St. John’s for Andi’s first celebration of the Eucharist on Sunday 17th December.  

2.2      Study courses
The proposed Advent Course is still in the planning stage. Adam offered to ask the Parish Church if they are planning their own sessions.

3         Outreach and ministry

3.1      Pastoral care
Nothing to report to Vestry.

3.2      Church opening
Sally Eathorne is now back home, and opening and closing the Church once more. Thanks to Emma and members of the congregation who helped out in her absence. It is gratifying to see the number of entries in the Visitors’ Book since we started this in May 2023. We need to consider our advertised opening hours once the clocks change. Daylight hours?

4         Leadership and governance

4.1      Administration
As to whether it will be acceptable to Bishop John to “timetable” regular Reserved Sacrament communion services as part of the pattern of cover for services – a question raised at the September Vestry meeting – Susan Macdonald thinks it will. A Service of the Word is not discouraged by the Bishop, but many SEC charges (in light of the Eucharist lying at the heart of its tradition) hold Reserved Sacrament services when a priest is not available. This has long been true of our neighbours in Hawick, Selkirk and Galashiels. It is one of the questions Susan will discuss with Andi.

At our joint Vestry meeting with Hawick (see 4.2.b), we were told that the Hawick congregation has a clear preference for RS over Morning Prayer.

4.2      Vestry training
Paul reported back on the Vestry Training morning offered by Edinburgh Diocese on Saturday 30th September, which he attended. It is to be offered in the Borders in early 2024, and he recommended it to Vestry members as a particularly useful session on the liabilities of Vestry members as charity trustees. Indemnity insurance against individual liability is available, as is the option of converting a charity to a SCIO.

4.3      Planning for the future

a.        Licensing of Andi Hofbauer
Paul reported back on the Commissioning service for Lesley Penny as Curate in Selkirk and Galashiels, the experience of which will help us plan our own service on 14th December.

Paul and Sue Crozier have received the template for our service from the Bishop’s Chaplain, Dean Fostekew, and are discussing the options and choices with Andi.

b.        Arrangements for the partnership with St. Cuthbert’s
A joint meeting with Hawick Vestry on Saturday 7th October confirmed the Memorandum of Understanding between the two as drafted by Diocesan Secretary, Godfrey Robson. It is intended that Bishop John, Andi and Vestry representatives will sign it at or after the Collation service.

In more detail, it was confirmed that once Andi is in post:

  • Rectory: St. John’s will receive from St. Cuthbert’s 50% of the net rental income it loses from Jedburgh Rectory, a contribution of 50% of the cost of running repairs on the house, and 50% of the costs of Council Tax payment and buildings insurance.
  • Job expenses: costs such as mileage, stationery, phone and broadband to be shared equally. As to phone and broadband, an offer to meet the majority of the cost of a monthly package will be discussed with Andi bearing in mind HMRC rules on benefits in kind.

On a motion proposed by Christine and seconded by Adam, Vestry voted to endorse this structure.

c.        Rectory
(From John): The tenants have vacated the property. A plumber is booked to start work on the boiler and bathrooms w/c 23 October. Despite a number of messages from me he has not provided information about the sanitaryware and shower panels in case Andi Hofbauer wants to upgrade them at her expense. Frustrating!

I have checked the attic and there is no access to the space above the rear bedroom and I have asked if Oliver’s Joiners can quote for putting in a hatch or something. A visit is to be arranged for week commencing 16 October.

A deep-clean needs to be arranged and I’ll try and sort this for early November after the boiler and bathroom works have been completed with the cost deducted from the tenants’ deposit.

Redecoration and making good some picture hook holes in the wall etc may be required with redecoration planned after a visit by Andi in 5 November. Ian Lees has been notified.

In addition, Paul reported that the 50% grant we applied for to help with Phase 1 of the Rectory upgrade has been awarded by the Provincial Building Grants Group. It amounts to £7,020, to be paid on evidence of our payment of the bill to the plumbing contractor. Meanwhile, he has asked for money up-front for the cost of materials.

5         Stewardship

5.1      Financials

a.        Reports
The bank balance at the end of September was £106,327 – including £21,000 in bequests.

b.        Art exhibition donations
A new green chasuble, burse and veil have been bought with donations made at the exhibition of paintings by Helen Tyler.  

c.        Annual accounts
The 2022-23 accounts file is now with Lesley Thompson. When she has compiled the figures, Paul will write the accompanying report from Vestry.

We will need to approve the accounts at the Vestry meeting on 21st November for signing and presentation to the Annual General Meeting.

d.        Payment of bills, supernumerary expenses, etc
In anticipation of her absenceover the next months, Christine has made arrangements with Cathy Lees to hold the current account cheque book, make payments at Vestry’s request, and keep the records Sue Bennett needs. Cathy is a cheque signatory, and we agreed we could do with one more for maximum flexibility.

5.2      Buildings

a.         Church
(From John): A light bulb has been replaced in the vestry. A quote of £3050 has been given to install a system to isolate the under-pew heaters in four independent sections that can be programmed as required to help save electricity.

I have asked Ian Lees, through Cathy, if he can remove the blown plaster by the rear window on the north side of the aisle.

Vestry wondered whether there is a cheaper way of switching some of the under-pew heaters out of the timed circuit.

The church heating is back on as of 15th October.

b         Rectory (see 4.3.c)

c.        Old School
(From John): I’ve asked if the plumber can check a leak in the downstairs toilet, something identified in the managing agents’ annual inspection.

d.        Flat
(From John): An annual PAT check on electrical appliances and a gas boiler check have been done. The boiler has a small depressurising leak which may be manageable with a monthly top up of water. The tenant asks about the windows which are single glazed and do not shut properly. I’ve advised that there are no plans to address this and she may have to put up some sort of plastic secondary glazing. Professional secondary glazing won’t be cheap.

e.        Quinquennial Review
(From John): A meeting with JS Harkins has been arranged for 24th October to go through the QQR and see if a plan and costs can be given to address finial, pointing and roofing issues. Works may have to be done over a period depending on funds but it may form the basis on which to seek grants.

NB: The QQR covers all the properties.

We shall be due a fire extinguisher inspection in the near future.

6         Declarations of interest

7         Other business
7.1       The possible candidate for Treasurer indicates that he would be available early in 2024.

7.2      Paul, whilst not intending to stand again for election to Vestry at the AGM, said he is happy to remain available for the back-room administrative functions of annual statistical returns, schedules, reports, etc, which are concentrated around the end of the calendar year. And thereafter will offer to maintain the website if required and continue to compile and print pew sheets if required. This means that an elected or appointed Secretary will be able to concentrate on servicing Vestry meetings.

Vestry agreed to keep spreading the message that more participation is needed from the congregation.

Ruth said she would consider the pew-sheet task if demonstration sessions can be offered.

7.3      A local “open day” to meet Diocesan Office staff has been offered to Vestry Secretaries and PVG Co-ordinators on Thursday 19th October. Paul intends to use it to ask questions about the administrative preparations for Andi’s employment. 

7.4      Ian Lawson, Diocesan Treasurer, has offered a short information session later in October including net zero finding for Rectories, which John will attend.

8         Date of next meeting
Vestry: Tuesday 21st November –to meet in person at the Old School as long as driving conditions are safe, failing which we will meet on Zoom.

AGM: after the service on Sunday 10th December.


Tuesday 19 Sept. 2023, 7.00 pm in the Old SchooL

A.        Opening Prayer

B.        Apologies
Gerard Henry

C.        Participants
Paul Beck (Secretary), John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor), Edward Martin, Ruth Johnson, Christine McLachlan, Adam Bolam-Peel.

D.       Due to family commitments elsewhere in the country, Christine will be in Jedburgh only for a short period each month from the end of October. Cathy Lees (PVG co-ordinator) has agreed to hold the chequebook for the Vestry current account and pass information to our bookkeeper each month; she, Christine and Paul are signatories.

E.        Minutes of meeting 15th August 2023 – the date of the next meeting was incorrectly shown as 12th September instead of 19th. Otherwise, the minutes were accepted as a true record (proposed, Edward, seconded, John).

1            Safeguarding

1.1      PVG
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.2      Health and Safety
“Health and Safety Resources for Congregations” (information and online training from the Provincial Buildings Committee) has been circulated to all Vestry members. We agreed that, at the next Vestry meeting, we will discuss the implications.

1.3      Data Protection
Nothing to report to Vestry.

2         Worship and faith formation

2.1      Services  
Vestry endorsed the proposal to hold our AGM after the service on 10th December and to hold a Carol Service in the afternoon on 17th December.

As for Remembrance Sunday, 12th November, Canon Susan Macdonald has advised that under canon law we should not cancel our only Sunday service, so she will offer a short (said) Communion service at the usual time of 10.00 am to allow attendance afterwards at the civic Remembrance events.

2.2      Study courses
Paul and Susan are thinking about what we could offer as a short Advent Course – again using Zoom and shared with the Parish Church.

3         Outreach and ministry

3.1      Pastoral care
The next house communion is scheduled to take place at the home of Carol Watt on the afternoon of Thursday 12th October. Around 8 people regularly attend these “alternate month” services, after which the host provides afternoon tea. Transport is also provided for those who require it.

3.2      Church opening
John will find a gift for the friend who has been opening and closing the Church during Sally Eathorne’s absence.

4         Leadership and governance

4.1      Administration

a.        The pattern of services when Andi Hofbauer is appointed needs to be discussed with her well in advance. If she is to alternate between Hawick and Jedburgh each Sunday morning, cover will be needed. Susan has offered to cover one of these per month at Jedburgh; the other could be from the Reserved Sacrament. Things may evolve differently as time goes on, but Vestry agreed to budget for a minimum of one supernumerary service per month.

Adam queried whether it will be acceptable to Bishop John to “timetable” regular RS communion services rather than use them to cover unforeseen absences. If necessary, could some Sunday services be Morning Prayer instead?

b.        The current canon 22 permissions for administering the chalice, taking a service from the Reserved Sacrament and administering home communion will expire on Andi Hofbauer’s licensing.

Vestry agreed to accept gratefully Susan’s offer to liaise with Andi to prepare the paperwork in advance for a quick renewal of canon 22 permissions; also to begin discussions with Andi about service patterns and resources at each Church.

4.2      Planning for the future

a.        Recruitment
Andi has given notice to her Bishop in Leeds, and will be licensed as Priest-in-Charge on Thursday 14th December, at a Collation service to be held at Hawick. Our second, unsuccessful, interviewee requested feedback, which Paul provided.

b.        We noted with pleasure the news that Rev. Dr. Lesley Penny will be commissioned at Galashiels on 11th October. Paul and Edward will represent St. John’s Vestry.

c.        Arrangements for the partnership with St. Cuthbert’s
Godfrey Robson’s correspondence with St. John’s after Paul and John met him in December 2022 indicates that once Andi is in post, we will receive half of St. Cuthbert’s Rectory rent and St. Cuthbert’s will contribute half the cost of running repairs on our Rectory. The refurbishment and preparation of the Jedburgh Rectory (with grant assistance maximised!) will be our responsibility.

Paul has confirmation from Godfrey that the separate financial support packages from the Diocese were assessed on this assumption, but we would still like a joint meeting to tidy those things up as well as agree the MOU.
Action: Paul to contact Hawick again.

d.        Rectory
John reported that our tenants have found another house and will vacate early on 4th October. The plumbing and heating work, for which a grant application (up to 50%) has been submitted to the Provincial Buildings Committee, will be brought forward to 23rd October and should take two weeks. With a maximum grant, our share of that cost would be about £7,500.

The glazing upgrade will need to be delayed until 2024. The Buildings Committee’s meeting in March should determine Net Zero funding for the SEC estate, under which heading we hope to apply for a grant to replace the glazing with efficient individual panes compliant with conservation area rules.

5            Stewardship

5.1      Financials

a.        Reports
The bank balance at the end of August was £105,326 – including £21,000 in bequests.

b.        Legacy
We await the legacy from Jean Haggart’s executors. If it comes without restrictions, instead of buying another home communion set (Andi may well have her own) we agree to use it to have our small silverware – ciborium and patten – repaired.

c.        Gift Aid envelopes
Paul has contacted congregation members still listed as using numbered sets of Gift Aid envelopes and they have replied agreeing to one of the suggested options: recycling unused sets from a previous year with new labels, using generic “visitor” GA envelopes, or changing to making payments from their bank account.

d.        Annual accounts
Lesley Thompson has agreed to carry out the Independent Examination of our 22-23 Annual Accounts again. Now that she has retired, the conditions of the examination have changed, and at her request Paul passed these on to Vestry.

We will need to approve the accounts at the Vestry meeting on 22nd November.

5.2      Buildings

John gave a summary of the full Quinquennial Review report now received from the architect. There are no great shocks. He will try to set up a meeting with the building contractors Harkins to examine the work assessed as “Urgent” and work out some predicted costs over a predictable period, on the basis of which we can consider grant applications.

a.        Church
One of the finials is leaning and needs to be inspected and probably reinforced.

There is a patch of plaster high up on the Northern wall of the nave that may be detaching itself from the stone, though there is no obvious roof defect above it to cause damp. It needs to be inspected and if necessary removed if there is any danger of it falling.

b         Rectory (see 4.2.d)

c.        Old School
In addition to slipped slates, the QQR identified some areas of damp, some rusted window frames in the ground floor Flat, and fire doors that do not meet the necessary specification.

6         Declarations of interest

7         Other business
No-onecould recall the protocol for updating the Rector’s Board on the South wall of the Church. Do we wait until the end of someone’s [tenure] [appointment] so that we can enter both their starting and finishing dates?

There is still no confirmed sighting of a Treasurer, nor any confirmation of the rumour that St. Cuthbert’s will ask our bookkeeper to be their bookkeeper as well, which would be a good first move. However, a new member of St. John’s congregation, in the process of moving back from work overseas, has said he will consider being our Treasurer. The timetable for this is as yet uncertain. 

8            Date of next meeting
Tuesday 17th October. We agreed to keep using the meeting room in the Old School in preference to meeting remotely – subject to review as the weather worsens and the days shorten.


Tuesday 15 August 2023, 7.00 pm in the old school

A.       Opening Prayer

B.       Apologies
Christine McLachlan, Ruth Johnson

C.        Participants
Paul Beck (Secretary), John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor), Gerard Henry, Edward Martin, Adam Bolam-Peel

D.       Minutes of meeting 18th July 2023 – in 5.1.a the end of the month balance was for June, not May. With that exception, the minutes were accepted as a true record. Proposed: Edward, seconded, Gerard.

1            Safeguarding

1.1     PVG
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.2     Health and Safety
See 4.1

1.3     Data Protection
Nothing to report to Vestry.

2         Worship and faith formation

2.1     Services  
A Reserved Sacrament service is due again on Sunday 17 September.

After a poor attendance at our morning Eucharist service on Remembrance Sunday last year, Vestry is considering whether to cancel it in order to allow attendance at the civic ceremony and combined Parish Church service.
Action: Paul to discuss with Susan.

3         Outreach and ministry

3.1     Pastoral care
Regular pastoral visits continue to be undertaken.

The latest House Communion followed by afternoon tea took place at the home of Joan Bennet on 10th August. Eight people attended, with lifts arranged as necessary.  

3.2     Church opening
The system is working so far.

4         Leadership and governance

4.1     Administration
Paul reported back on the Dean’s visitation on Thursday 27th July, when she inspected the registers, the inventory of church furnishings and photographs of valuables. She took the opportunity to remind us of the renewed emphasis this year on Health & Safety resources for congregations and on risk assessment.
Action: Paul to forward information and links to Vestry members.

4.2     Planning for the future

a.        Recruitment
Interviews on Saturday 5th August were successful. The selected Priest-in-Charge candidate has accepted the offer. Discussions about co-ordinated publicity and periods of notice are under way, and may take some time. Thanks to all those from St. Cuthbert’s and St. John’s who worked together on the day.

b.        Rectory
John reported on the status of estimates for the Rectory improvements and the grant application process. Notice will now be served through the managing agents with the aim of taking possession on Sunday 19th November. Priority will be given thereafter to loft insulation, replacing the boiler and refurbishing the bathroom and downstairs shower-room. Efficient glazing options – given that the Rectory is a listed building in a conservation area – will be much more difficult to achieve.    

5            Stewardship

5.1     Financials

a.        Reports
The bank balance at the end of July was £103,081 – including £21,000 in bequests.

b.        We have been notified of a legacy of £1,000 under Jean Haggart’s will. Vestry received the suggestion that, unless there are restrictions on the legacy, we should consider using part of it to buy a second home communion set.

c.        Vestry agreed with a suggestion from Kathy Carroll that money raised at Helen Tyler’s exhibition could be used to replace the (worn) green chasuble, involving the new Priest-in-Charge in the choice.

d.        Sue Bennett has provided a list of the nine people using numbered Gift Aid envelopes. Options were discussed, including recycling unused sets from a previous year, using generic “visitor” envelopes, and asking people to consider changing to direct debit payment from their bank account.
Action: Paul to contact those on the list.

e.        Vestry decided to discuss mission giving policy with the new Priest-in-Charge and with Hawick as part of the mission plan envisaged in the draft Memorandum of Understanding. For this financial year, we decided to repeat the Advent appeal and make a generous top-up of that total from church funds.

f.         Vestry agreed to fund (jointly with Hawick) the attendance of our new Priest-in-Charge at the annual Diocesan clergy conference in Pitlochrie on 6th – 9th November, even if the licencing has not yet taken place.

5.2     Buildings

John gave a preview of the report to come from the architect, David Willis, after his Quinquennial Review inspection. The main items of concern for the Old School are slipped slates on upper parts of the roof, and for the Church a leaning finial.

a.         Church
Valuable, portable items of church furniture will be identified from the inventory and marked with the Smart Water kit.

Steve Domingo has replaced a failed light in the church nave and carried out a test to confirm the power consumption of the under-pew heaters. We will ask him to advise on whether they are wired in such a way as to be switchable selectively in zones like the wall heaters.

b         Rectory (see 4.2.b)

c.        Old School
An invoice sent to the Church for unblocking a toilet has been forwarded to Cheviot Youth.

6         Declarations of interest

7         Other business
A possible Treasurer identified by St. Cuthbert’s Vestry is unable to accommodate the work.

8            Date of next meeting
Tuesday 19th September. We agreed to keep using the meeting room in the Old School in preference to meeting remotely.


Tuesday 18 July 2023, 7.00 pm in the Old School

A.       Opening Prayer

B.     Apologies
Ruth Johnson, John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor).

C.     Participants
Paul Beck (Secretary), Christine McLachlan, Adam Bolam-Peel, Edward Martin and Gerard Henry.

D.      Membership
William Horton has resigned in preparation to move from the Borders to a new job, and is joining the Roman Catholic Church. Vestry wished him well in both life changes.

Sue Bennett will take on the paying in of cash donations and enveloped Gift Aid contributions. Vestry will seek a new Lay Representative at the next AGM.
Action: Paul to contact the SCW Group.

E.      Minutes of meeting 20th June 2023 – accepted as a true record; proposed by Edward and seconded by Gerard.

1        Safeguarding

1.1     PVG
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.2     Health and Safety
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.3     Data Protection
One person has been added to the church roll.

2         Worship and faith formation

2.1     Services  
The Reserved Sacrament service on 28th June attracted no communicants.

We expressed our thanks to Susan for has producing another rota for priestly cover and lay duties, which runs up to 17th Sept.

In the absence of clergy from St. John’s, Paul helped to lead the Kirkin’ of the Callant service in the Parish Church on 2nd July with Richard Gordon and Rev. Marion Dodd (locum Minister and interim Moderator at Oxnam Kirk).

3         Outreach and ministry

3.1     Pastoral care
Nothing to report to Vestry.

3.2     Church opening
Sally Eathorne has arranged for a friend to cover her absence on holiday, for which we are very grateful. Members of the congregation may need to fill in occasionally.

4         Leadership and governance

4.1     Administration
The Dean’s visitation will be on Thursday 27th July at 10.30. Paul will show her round.

4.2     Planning for the future

a.        Division of labour
This remains partly unresolved: John will need help with organising estimates and funding applications.

b.        Recruitment
Paul met Hawick’s two selection panel members on Monday 17th July to discuss shortlisting. After consultation with Christine, our second panel member, he has written on behalf of both Vestries to invite two applicants for interview and to reject one. The panel members will meet on Monday evening 24th July to finalise the interview questions and timetable for 5th August.

In view of the numerous appointments already made with our Rectory tenants (see 4.2.c below) we will plan to take both candidates to look round the Rectory at the same time on 5th August to minimise disruption.

Vestry discussed suitable questions for the successful applicants. These will be offered at the panel’s planning meeting on 24th July.

We looked in a little more detail at the draft MOU between the two charges drafted by Godfrey Robson, but found it difficult to engage with the document at this stage. As to paragraph 3, a mission plan should explicitly encompass the needs of both congregations (which may be different).

We felt that a more informed insight into whether the MOU offers adequate safeguards would likely come from the Hawick Vestry in the light of their experience of the A7 partnership.

c.        Rectory
Windows – Northumberland Glass have provisionally arranged to visit on 28th July. We shall need planning permission and the architect doing the QQR will assess options on his visit. The glazing company has asked for clarification of what is required from the Diocese and a response is awaited.

John will ask the architect about wall insulation during the QQR.

Advent Plumbing will visit on the morning of 28th July to look at shower and sanitary ware replacement and the installation of extractor fans.

Insulation above back bedroom – Olivers Joiners will arrange a date to visit after 21 July.

Boiler replacement – two quotes have been obtained.

We have not yet given the tenants formal notice but have arranged with them the appointments needed for the QQR, refurbishment estimates and candidate visits.

5            Stewardship

5.1     Financials

a.        Reports
The bank balance at the end of June was £99,999 – including £21,000 in bequests.

b.  The Diocese has invoiced us for the year’s website domain and file hosting at £147.28.

c.        Only 10 congregation members now make weekly Gift-Aided contribution by cash or cheque using the numbered envelope sets we have been buying for many years from Church Finance Supplies Ltd in Abingdon. The minimum order is 25. We agreed that before the end of the financial year we will find a DIY solution using the plain GA envelopes provided for casual visitors and suggest that regular donors on our church roll consider switching to payments by direct debit.

d.        We discussed mission giving for this financial year. Recent recipients have been SIM (Simon and Grace Stretton-Downes), Aberlour Options (Borders), Borders Street Pastors and Edinburgh Direct Aid. We have also collected items for the Food Bank at Harvest. Vestry feels this is still a good balance between the local and the global, and proposes to repeat it (amounts to be finalised later).
Action: Paul to include this in publicity and ask the congregation for suggestions.

5.2     Buildings

Our Quinquennial Review is arranged for Wednesday 26th July. All buildings are to be surveyed this time. The maximum cost is estimated by the architect at £3000.

a.      Church
We have signed up for a 2-year British Gas fixed rate electricity contract arranged by CEPG, with effect from 1st December 2023. The standing charge 113.52ppd, and the energy charges 32.45ppkWh (weekday) and 24.69ppkWh (evening and weekend), subject to 5% VAT. The equivalent figures for last year were 100.80p, 80.63p and 72.97p, so it will represent a considerable saving.

The SmartWater kit has been delivered. We still need to decide what to mark.        

An electricity load test of the under-pew heaters has been arranged for a date after 21 July. Scott & Foggon will advise on switching them in groups.

b         Rectory (see 4.2.c)

c.        Old School
The new chairperson of Cheviot Youth asked for a copy of their lease agreement, which we have provided.

6         Declarations of interest

7         Other business
We noted that the Treasurer at St. Cuthbert’s is standing down at their next AGM. Since St. John’s has been without a Treasurer for the last few years, the possibility of jointly buying in that service should be considered.

(Re. item 7 of the 20th June minutes) Paul reported that Joan Stafford-Badger’s records are accessible in the large safe in the vestry.

We noted Scottish Borders Council’s report on its 2022 consultation on the future of the former Grammar School site that borders our church. It proposes to market the southern half of the site for a care home and housing and the northern half (the Church side) for a supermarket and an activity park or riverside park.

Gerard’s conversation with an American visitor interested in St. John’s history and architecture prompted him to ask what had happened to the Church History booklets printed while David Dalglish was Rector. Paul said that they had been replaced by a brief visitors’ leaflet with detailed information on the church website.

We agreed to contact Ralph Nagle after 5th August to thank him for his continued care of the churchyard.

8            Date of next meeting
Tuesday 15th August.


Tuesday 20 June 2023, 7.00 pm in the Old School

A.       Opening Prayer
Christine McLachlan

B.       Apologies
William Horton

C.        Participants
Paul Beck (Secretary), John Ogilvie (Property Convenor), Christine McLachlan, Adam Bolam-Peel, Ruth Johnson, Edward Martin, Gerard Henry.

D.       Minutes of meeting 16th May 2023
Accepted as a true record; proposed by Christine, seconded by Edward.

1            Safeguarding

1.1     PVG
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.2     Health and Safety
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.3     Data Protection
Nothing to report to Vestry.

2         Worship and faith formation

2.1     Covid precautions and adaptations
Nothing to report to Vestry.

2.2     Services  
A midweek service of Communion from the Reserved Sacrament was conducted on 14 June and will again be needed on 28 June. New large-print leaflets have been prepared.

3         Outreach and ministry

3.1     Pastoral care
Ruth reports that a member of the congregation is in hospital in Edinburgh, and will pass what information she has on to Susan Macdonald and Isobel Portch.

3.2     Church opening
We will need a rota to cover opening and closing the Church for August and part of September.
Action: John to confirm the dates.

4         Leadership and governance

4.1     Administration
Paul has received notice of a visitation by the Dean, with preliminary questions.

4.2     Planning for the future

a.        Division of labour
We discussed how best to take forward the two main areas of work – we will need volunteers to help John with the Rectory refurbishment planning and Paul with the interview planning.

b.        Recruitment
We envisage two interviewers from each Vestry on Saturday 5 August, and have suggested a small joint subcommittee with Hawick to plan the interview day.

c.        Rectory
We discussed the issues of notice to our tenants, estimates for refurbishment, and grant applications? If we wait until after the interview date, time will be very limited. Gerard will help with showing tradespeople round if he can while John is on holiday.
Action: John to write to the tenants to confirm access (a) to get estimates for work and (b) for guided tours on 5 August; to canvass other buildings co-ordinators who may have dealt with similar situations during a vacancy. 

5            Stewardship

5.1     Financials

a.        Reports
The bank balance at the end of May was £98314 – now including £20,500 in bequests.

Receipts in May included £500 from St. Cuthbert’s towards the Church Times job advert bill. The outgoing payment of £999 will show up in June.

The Diocese is to invoice us for website hosting.

5.2     Buildings

a.                 Church
John described the forthcoming quinquennial inspection, to be carried out on all our buildings (in 2018, it was only the Church) by David Willis.

We discussed whether to accept CEPG’s recommended 3-year British Gas fixed rate electricity contract from CEPG, but three years seems a very long commitment when prices may fall.

The SmartWater kit has been delivered.

The church porch has been redecorated by Ian Lees. The walls were showing signs of mould after a very damp winter.

Action: Paul to provide estimated under-pew consumption from meter readings and contact the CEPG broker for more alternative figures. John to arrange QQ appointment with the architect; to query the electrician’s estimates of the heating consumption. Adam to seek other advice on energy price movements.

b         Rectory

c.        Old School
An exhibition and sale of Helen Tyler’s paintings is being planned for the last weekend in July. The proceeds will be donated to St. John’s.

6         Declarations of interest

7         Other business
Vestry noted with sadness the death of Joan Stafford-Badger, who had been St. John’s archivist.
Action: Paul to confirm safe storage of her records.

8         Date of next meeting
Tuesday 18th July


Tuesday 16 May 2023, 7.30 pm in the Old School

A.       Opening Prayer

B.       Apologies
Gerard Henry

C.        Participants
Paul Beck (Secretary), John Ogilvie (Property Convenor), Christine McLachlan, Adam Bolam-Peel, Ruth Johnson, Edward Martin, William Horton (Lay Representative).

Vestry heard with great sadness of the death of two former Vestry members, Patrick Copsey and Helen Tyler, and paid tribute to their contribution to the life of St. John’s over many years.

D.       Minutes of meeting 18th April 2023
Accepted as a true record, proposed by Edward, seconded by John.

1            Safeguarding

1.1     PVG
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.2     Health and Safety
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.3     Data Protection
Nothing to report to Vestry.

2         Worship and faith formation

2.1     Covid precautions and adaptations
Nothing to report to Vestry.

2.2     Services  
Nothing to report to Vestry.

3         Outreach and ministry

3.1     Pastoral care
Ruth has passed on to Susan Macdonald the name of an elderly member of the congregation with the suggestion that she be offered home communion.

3.2     Church opening
The Church has been open from 1 May, thanks to Sally Eathorne and a rota of substitutes during her holiday.

3.3     St. Cuthbert’s Way group
William has received a consignment of the new edition of the SCW pilgrimage leaflet. Individual area leaflets are planned next, and we are again encouraged to produce a brief audio podcast about St. John’s and Jedburgh.

4         Leadership and governance

4.1     Administration
Our revised Constitution has been returned by the Diocesan Office with Bishop John’s signature. Minutes of the two EGMs at which the amendment was, respectively, proposed and adopted are attached as an appendix.

4.2     Resources
For the record, Paul reported that the Province has produced and publicised two new resources: an online Personnel handbook and Ecumenical guidelines on working with other denominations.

4.3     Planning for the future

a.        Recruitment
Paul reported on recent discussions with Sue Crozier at Hawick. He will continue the final stages of preparing for our advertising in correspondence with Dean Frances and will submit the text, once agreed, to the Church Times to appear from 26 May. Sue will deal with the draft Memorandum of Understanding offered by Godfrey Robson and request a joint Vestry meeting with him.

Adam noted that the draft MOU assumes there will be a joint ‘mission statement’, but suggested we should be open to having separate statements if necessary, given that there were small differences in the personal job specifications offered by each Vestry.

b.        Rectory
John reported further on his correspondence with the Buildings Committee, which has assessed the refurbishments the Jedburgh Rectory will need, including a new boiler, double or secondary glazing, wall and loft insulation, improvements to the bathroom and the downstairs shower room, extractor fans and redecoration.

Some of this is too intrusive to be carried out while the house is occupied. We did not feel we could give formal notice to our tenants until the timetable of any appointment becomes clearer, but agreed that John would write to them to give early warning that we are about to advertise and would repeat his request to the Diocese for help on the grounds of the cost and complexity of the works.

5            Stewardship

5.1     Financials

a.        Reports
The book-keeper’s month-on-month report shows that the bank balance at the end of April was £94,616 (including bequests).

b.        Investment income
Twice a year, we receive a small payment from a UTP fund called “47J001 Jedburgh – G A Russell’s Grave”. Its origins and purpose are unknown.

On the question of the investment of some of our own reserves, we agreed that we cannot contemplate this until we have a Priest-in-Charge in post and can see further ahead (as summarised at item 6.1.d of our meeting on 20 September 2022).

5.2     Buildings

a.                 Church
We now have the first full month’s bill without government energy cost support, and our account with Scottish Power is in debit by £920.70. The cold weather continued for the whole of April, and the under-pew heating was not turned off until 8th May. Wall-heating remains programmed at present for the duration of the two morning services and choir practice, and 30 minutes in advance of each event for those who get there early to prepare. This reduces consumption from 282 kWh per week in the depths of winter to 60 kWh, and it will reduce further when the wall heaters are not needed.  

Paul has again registered our interest in a smart meter. We are now in a queue, which is one step up from being told smart meters “are not currently being installed in your area”.

On lessons to be drawn from the winter’s fuel costs, Adam suggested we could consider meeting elsewhere in the coldest quarter, noting that the Parish Church holds its services upstairs in Kenmore Hall at that time of year.

We agreed to ask for an estimate for the cost of isolating the under-pew heaters in the back half of the nave.

We agreed to continue to replace the existing lighting units with LEDS as and when they fail.

We agreed that no further action can presently be taken on the access and onsite toilet questions.

We discussed the weathering of the churchyard wall; Adam’s advice is that it is better not to point it than to point it with an inappropriately hard mortar.

A quinquennial review is due in the summer. John will check with the Buildings Committee whether it applies to all our buildings or just to the church.

We agreed to order a “Smartwater” kit to mark portable items of value inside the church now that it is open to visitors.

b         Rectory
See 4.2.b

c.        Old School
Nothing to report to Vestry.

d.        Flat
A recent inspection shows that some metal window frames are rusted in a partly-open position.

6         Declarations of interest

7         Other business
CCLI has invited us to review our copyright licences. We agreed that we do not need any more of them.

8         Date of next meeting
Tuesday 20th June, in person at the Old School if it is available, time to be confirmed.


APPENDIX: minutes of first and second EGMs

St. John’s Episcopal Church, Jedburgh

Extraordinary General Meeting

Sunday 12 March 2023, 11.00 am


Rev. John Evans; Vestry members Paul Beck (Secretary), John Ogilvie, Christine McLachlan, Gerard Henry, Edward Martin and 16 other members of the congregation.

  1. William Horton was unanimously elected as Lay Representative to Synod.
  2. The Vestry Secretary explained that Vestry believed it would benefit from having the power to co-opt members who were willing to help with a task or project but would not want to commit to a full term of office. It had agreed at its meeting on 21 February 2023 to amend St. John’s Constitution to enable this. 

    Notice having been given and the text circulated in advance, the following motion was put and carried unanimously:

Add as the final paragraph of Article 12:
“Vestry may co-opt up to two members. This co-option shall end at the next Annual General Meeting.”


St. John’s Episcopal Church, Jedburgh

Extraordinary General Meeting

Sunday 23 April 2023, 11.00 am


Rev. Canon Bob King (Interim Pastor); Vestry members Paul Beck (Secretary), Adam Bolam-Peel, Ruth Johnson, Edward Martin, Gerard Henry and William Horton (Lay Representative) and 14 other members of the congregation.

The following amendment to St. John’s Constitution having been proposed at an EGM on Sunday 12 March and subsequently approved by the Diocesan Registrar, a motion to adopt it was carried unanimously:

Add as the final paragraph of Article 12:
“Vestry may co-opt up to two members. This co-option shall end at the next Annual General Meeting.” PB


Tuesday 18 April 2023, 7.00 pm (Zoom)

A.        Opening Prayer
Silent meditation

B.        Apologies
Gerard Henry

C.        Participants
Paul Beck (Secretary), John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor), Christine McLachlan, Ruth Johnson, Edward Martin, Adam Bolam-Peel, William Horton (Lay Representative).

D.        Minutes of meeting 21st March 2023
The end-of-month figure of £91328 at 5.1.a should have referred to February, not January. With that correction, the minutes were accepted as a true record. Proposed by Christine, seconded by John.

1            Safeguarding

1.1      PVG
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.2      Health and Safety
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.3      Data Protection
Nothing to report to Vestry.

2         Worship and faith formation

2.1      Covid precautions and adaptations
Nothing to report to Vestry.

2.2      Services

a.        Vestry expressed its thanks to Canon Susan Macdonald for leading all our Easter services and to the work done by the flower-arrangers, sacristans, welcomers, choir and organists.

b.        Vestry tried hard to think of someone else to add to the rota of chalice-bearers but failed.  

c.   The four CCLI copyright licences have all been renewed until 31 March 2024.  

3         Outreach and ministry

3.1      Pastoral care
Paul has been approached by Sarah McKean, working in Scotland for Re-engage ( – a charity supporting older people through volunteering) with a request to pass on to members of the congregation an online survey about its plans to extend its activities into the Borders. Vestry agreed.
Action: Paul to include a link in the weekly email and publicise the option for a paper version.  

3.2      Church opening
Vestry agrees that the Church should again be open during the day. John reported that our tenant in the Flat has offered to open and close around her working day, provided we can offer a few reserves for her to contact if she is unable to do that.
Action: John to finalise arrangements – with a view to starting from 1 May.

3.3      St. Cuthbert’s Way group
William reported on a recent meeting of SCW where the Group had discussed publicity, the ongoing development of its website, and its intention to assemble brief podcasts (audio only) from each participating church.
Action: William and Paul to come up with a short audio script.

4         Leadership and governance

4.1      Administration
Paul has tracked down extensive correspondence and documentation from the failed attempt in early 2021 to recruit an Administrator. Priestly recruitment having recently loomed so large, there has not yet been time to package it for Vestry to reconsider.

However, he offered his observations on the impasse: we would need someone on Vestry to wear the “Treasurer” label and be our named contact for the Diocesan annual forms, HMRC, OSCR, the Pensions Regulator, etc, even if the actual work was handed on to a paid administrator. Evidently, no-one wants even to wear the label, which is a concern for St. John’s future viability.

4.2      Planning for the future

a.        Recruitment
Both Vestries have had replies from the Dean and from Godfrey Robinson.

The Dean’s suggestions about the Profile and the Person Specification are broadly accepted here, but the advertising and interview timetable originally suggested is too compressed. The Hawick Vestry Secretary agrees with us about the timetable and will get in touch with Paul to discuss their detailed reactions and the next steps in harmonising our material and devising the wording of the joint Church Times advertisement.

Godfrey has set out the Diocese’s offer of a subsidy for Jedburgh in the first year, subject to review. This offer fits well with our projected deficit.

Cheviot Youth say we can use the upstairs of the Old School on a Saturday in August for interviews. We will need to recruit a few people to help with simple catering and showing candidates round.

b.        Accommodation
The Diocesan Buildings Committee has confirmed its preference for the Jedburgh Rectory as the home of the joint appointee. Vestry needs to know more about the Committee’s assessment of the refurbishment and energy efficiency improvements the building will undoubtedly need, given that it is much older and less energy-efficient than the Hawick Rectory.  

Accepting that St. John’s will ultimately benefit from those improvements, we assume (1) that the organisation of the work and the initial capital costs would fall to us (with help from Diocesan and other grants) and (2) that the subsequent routine maintenance and repair would be a shared responsibility, but this needs to be confirmed.

The other issue is how soon we would give notice to our tenants.
Action: John to contact the Buildings Committee to interrogate it on the cost implications of the choice of the Jedburgh Rectory.

c.        Net zero
Adam has responded on our behalf to the Net Zero Action Plan. He had some comments:

  • We would need to upgrade the church to LED lights by 2025.
  • We are already meeting the recommendation to use radiant heating in the church.
  • The plan suggests insulation of clergy homes will get Diocesan funding support while clergy are resident, but why not do it when they are empty between incumbents?
  • Rather than replace the rectory boiler with another gas one we are being encouraged (mandated by 2024) to move to a heat pump.

William wondered whether a building as old and energy inefficient as the Rectory could realistically be brought up to the standard of insulation required to make a heat pump viable.

5            Stewardship

5.1      Financials

a.        Reports
The book-keeper’s month-on-month report shows that the bank balance at the end of March was £92468 (including bequests).

5.2      Buildings

a.        Church
Scottish Power has cancelled and recalculated all our bills from 4 January to 26 March, applying VAT at the correct (reduced) rate and removing the climate levy payments. As a result, we are now in credit by £57.24 instead of being in debit by £207.08.

It still looks as if the current monthly direct debit of £92 will not be enough to cover costs until the end of our contract on 30 November. Vestry agreed to wait for Scottish Power to initiate any increase.  

The architect has offered a rough estimate for the cost of the accessibility improvements into the porch (£55,000 + VAT).

b         Rectory
See 4.2.b.

c.        Old School
St. John’s pays the electricity bills for the Old School, and Cheviot Youth reimburses the cost. British Gas has not applied the VAT reduction we are entitled to as a charity; John is pursuing this.

d.        Flat
Nothing to report to Vestry.

6         Declarations of interest

7         Other business

a.        Vestry briefly discussed whether we should consider returning to face-to-face meetings now the evenings are lighter, and if so where they should take place.
Action: Paul to take soundings by email.

b.        Isobel Portch has forwarded a newsletter from Borders Community Action, listing grant funding sources, including some that are available to places of worship.
Action: Paul to forward it, with the suggestion that members add themselves to the mailing list.

8         Date of next meeting
Tuesday 16th May, 7.00


Tuesday 21 March 2023, 7.00 pm (Zoom)

A.        Opening Prayer
Bob King

B.        Apologies
Christine McLachlan

C.        Participants
Paul Beck (Secretary), John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor), Ruth Johnson, Edward Martin, Gerard Henry, Adam Bolam-Peel, William Horton (Lay Representative), Rev. Canon Susan Macdonald, Rev. Canon Bob King (Interim Pastor).

D.        Minutes of meeting 21st February 2023
The minutes were accepted as a true record (proposed, John; seconded, Edward).

E.        Membership
Following an EGM on Sunday 12th March in which William was elected as Lay Representative, we welcomed him as a member of Vestry, ex officio.

The EGM also voted in favour of amending the Constitution to permit co-option to Vestry. The Diocesan Office referred our proposed amendment to the Registrar for approval, which she has given. A second EGM will be needed to adopt the new wording, and the first opportunity will be at morning service on Sunday 16 April (Easter 2).

1            Safeguarding

1.1      PVG
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.2      Health and Safety
New risk assessment material and forms have arrived from the Province and will be passed initially to John.

1.3      Data Protection
Nothing to report to Vestry.

2         Worship and faith formation

2.1      Covid precautions and adaptations
Nothing to report to Vestry.

2.2      Services

a.        Vestry agreed to renew our four CCLI copyright licences. Livestreamed services (licensing for which costs £36 a year) now has a limited audience, but (1) it’s something a prospective Priest-in-Charge candidate will find when researching our online presence; (2) stopping it is probably a question we should leave until someone is in post.
Action: Paul to renew online.

b.        The World Day of Prayer service, Friday 3rd March at Kenmore Hall, was well-attended. We expressed our thanks to Lesley Donaldson (from Oxnam Kirk) for organising it.

c.   We agreed to add to the next agenda the question of recruiting another chalice-bearer.  

3         Outreach and ministry

3.1      Pastoral care
Nothing to report to Vestry.

3.2      Catering for SCW walkers
We considered Richard Pedersen’s email about the desirability of opening the church again during daylight hours and providing some facilities for walkers who wish to visit as part of the St. Cuthbert’s Way pilgrimage walk.

We agreed that he makes a good point about the absence of a toilet – not only for pilgrimage walkers but also for those who attend services, weddings and funerals. We doubted that Canon 35 permission would be needed for a temporary chemical toilet with disabled access (whether hired or purchased outright) and agreed to look again at that option. Bob – relaying the advice of Dean Frances – suggests we prepare any pending Canon 35 applications and lodge them even before we have clergy in post.

We agreed to reconsider our previous reluctance to open the church for casual visitors, taking advice from the experience at St. Andrew’s, Kelso and elsewhere, provided people can be identified to unlock and relock the door on a regular timetable. If that can’t be achieved, we could perhaps ask organised walkers to ‘book’ in advance.   
John (1) initially to ask our tenant next door about opening and closing, (2) follow up Canon 35 preparations with the architect.
Paul/Susan to ask Stewart McPherson about the cost of placing advertising / information in the Jed Eye.

4         Leadership and governance

4.1      Administration
Paul pointed out that the burden of administration will not diminish when we have a Priest-in-Charge in post. In particular, the absence of a Treasurer will be a serious inconvenience under the proposed appointment, with the need for an extra element of joint accounting and oversight of shared outgoings.

In any event, it is not sustainable for a charity to have only one elected office-bearer, as such concentrated responsibilities will be very hard to reassign when that person leaves Vestry. Can we share them more widely? Should we again consider buying in the services of an administrator?

Bob offered to consult the Kelso accountancy firm whose services St. Andrew’s has recently employed about taking on St. John’s as well – once their new arrangements have settled in.
Action: Paul to seek out the specifications prepared when Vestry last looked at employing an administrator, and to add this item to the next agenda.

4.2      Synod
William attended Diocesan Synod as our observer on Saturday 25th February and gave his impressions. There was a lot of emphasis on net zero, but no great controversies. We noted that the Area Council is not meeting at present. But there is a regular clergy meeting with lunch, which Bob reports is a very useful forum.

4.3      Planning for the future

a.        Recruitment
Dean Frances has had the material from Jedburgh and Hawick since 23rd February. Bob reported back from a long meeting he and Grace recently had with her, where they had pressed her on the timetable for decisions on accommodation and financial support. The shared post at Galashiels and Selkirk will be advertised from Monday 27th March, and he is optimistic that attention will now turn quickly to Jedburgh and Hawick.

We agreed to set up a joint meeting with Hawick’s Vestry, preferably with independently facilitation, to put flesh on the bones of whatever structure the Diocese offers us.
Paul to contact Hawick’s Vestry with this suggestion.
John to ask the Buildings Committee for its conclusions on the two Rectories.

b.        Community activities during the interregnum
No-one was able to attend the second ‘Borderlands Place’ workshop on our behalf on 15th March, but Paul has asked the organisers to keep us up to date with any summary or minutes produced afterwards.

5          Stewardship

5.1      Financials

a.        Reports
The book-keeper’s month-on-month report shows that the bank balance at the end of February was £91328 (including bequests).

b.        Quota
The first monthly standing order of £312 was paid in February. (Nine more to go.)

5.2      Buildings

a.                 Church
Electricity consumption remains high because of recent cold weather. As yet, Scottish Power has not corrected its VAT rate errors in the January and February bills.

We await the electrician’s advice on replacing more of the lights with LEDs.
Action: John to contact the electrician again.

b         Rectory
Replacing the boiler has been recommended after routine maintenance and inspection. We have asked the managing agent to obtain quotes, but agreed to delay expenditure until we know how the accommodation costs will be handled under the Jedburgh-Hawick appointment.

c.        Old School
Nothing to report except a small internal leak which has been fixed at the tenant’s expense.We note that the gutters have not been cleared for at least a year, and Bob recommends the services of a Jedburgh firm, Gutter Pro.

d.        Flat
The gas boiler needs to be re-pressurised frequently, which might indicate a hidden problem.

6         Declarations of interest

7         Other business

7.1      Adam gave his assessment of the issues addressed in the SEC’s Net Zero Action Plan. The efficiency improvements it envisages apply more to the Rectory than to the Church, which is empty for much of the week.
Action: Adam to respond to the consultation on our behalf.

7.2      William, browsing the Scotland’s Churches Trust website, sent them updated service times for St. John’s. The Trust responded by inviting us to “renew your subscription”. No-one on Vestry being aware of our membership, we agree to take no action and lie low.

7.3      There are cobwebs high up on the rood screen. William offered to acquire an extending duster and deal with them.  8            Date of next meeting
Tuesday 18th April, 7.00


Tuesday 21 February 2023, 7.00 pm (Zoom)

A.        Opening Prayer

B.        Apologies
(none received)

C.        Participants         
Vestry members: Paul Beck (Secretary), Adam Bolam-Peel, Ruth Johnson, Edward Martin, Christine McLachlan, John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor).
Attending by invitation: Rev. Canon Bob King, Rev. Canon Susan Macdonald, William Horton.

D.        Minutes of meeting 17 January 2023
4.3.a should refer to the “Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Act 2022” – subject to this amendment, the minutes were accepted as a true record (proposed by Christine, seconded by John).

E.        Membership
Paul thanked Vestry members for completing new declarations in accordance with the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005, which are now filed.

Vestry agreed to start the process of amending the Constitution to permit co-option to Vestry.
Action: Paul to ask the Diocesan Office for advice on the appropriate wording.

1         Safeguarding

1.1      PVG
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.2      Health and Safety
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.3      Data Protection
Nothing to report to Vestry.

2         Worship and faith formation

2.1      Covid precautions and adaptations
Nothing to report to Vestry.

2.2      Services

a.        Blue Book
Vestry noted that the 2022 edition of the 1982 order of service has been in use since 5 February. Bob said that, as our Interim, he would hope to have been consulted about this change in advance – but that he is content to see the revised version now in use.

b.        Lent and Holy Week
During Lent, St. John’s will offer a short online study course on the four Monday evenings in March, to which members of other churches will be invited – including members of St. Andrew’s Kelso who are unable to get to their own in-person sessions.

Bob extended an invitation to services of Compline at St. Andrew’s to be held with visiting speakers on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week.

In Jedburgh, St. John’s midweek service will move to Maundy Thursday at 12.00 midday for a eucharist with the stripping of the altar. The Parish Church will offer an evening service on Maundy Thursday. On Friday, the Walk of Witness will end at St. John’s for the Good Friday liturgy at 2.00. Susan will conduct all the St. John’s services between Palm Sunday and Easter Day.

c.        Rota for clergy cover and lay duties
This is now in preparation for the period 19 March to 18 June. We noted the need for another chalice-bearer, and will consider whom it might be appropriate to ask.

We also noted that more services using the Reserved Sacrament are likely to be needed.  At present, the only member of St. John’s congregation licensed to lead such services is Paul.  

3         Outreach and ministry

3.1      Pastoral care
Thursday afternoon house communions, bringing together a group of those who can no longer attend a morning service, continue to be popular.

3.2      Mission fundraising
£250 has been sent to each of our two supported charities, following the Advent Appeal, supplemented by two generous individual donations.

4         Leadership and governance

4.1      Annual forms
A data backup failure at the Diocesan Office led to the loss of our Diocesan Schedule updates, which have been re-sent.

4.2      Planning for the future

a.        Recruitment
We note that in August it will be two years since the interregnum started, and we have begun to feel a loss of momentum. However, we expect to see a final version of the Profile from Hawick (subject to acceptance at their simultaneous Vestry meeting), and both ours and theirs will then be submitted to the Dean.  

Bob will have the opportunity to discuss with the Dean and the Bishop the need for more urgency in the recruitment; both he and Rev. Grace Redpath have taken on further Diocesan tasks and need to know the end of their interim pastorships is in sight.   

b.        Community activities during the interregnum
Following our discussion of the need to maintain community involvement at the last meeting, Ruth reported an attempt to visit the recently bereaved family of a young mother in the town, though without success.  

Paul invited participation in the second Borderlands Place workshop on future planning for Jedburgh, to be held by SBC in the Town Hall on Wednesday 15 March.
Action: Paul to circulate details.

5         Stewardship

5.1      Financials

a.        Reports
The book-keeper’s month-on-month report shows that the bank balance at the end of January was £89897 (including bequests).

b.        Quota
Christine has completed the standing order form in person at the Kelso branch of RBS, and our 10 months of payments should begin in March.

5.2      Buildings

a.         Church
John and Adam reported that the vestry carpet has been cleaned after many hours of dehumidifying. The fabric and furniture can now be left to dry out naturally.

Two failed 150w lamps have been replaced by 50w LEDs. The electrician will give an estimate for replacing the rest. Adam suggested investigating whether part of the under-pew heating can be isolated so that we do not need to heat the whole building when only half of it is occupied.  

Paul spoke about recent electricity consumption (see APPENDIX), mainly accounted for by heating and the need to dehumidify the vestry after the burst pipe. The EBRS will continue at a reduced rate until March 2024. We will attempt to rearrange the smart meter installation that Scottish Power offered and then withdrew, as this will widen our options when renegotiating supply in November.

b         Rectory
John and Paul accompanied two members of the Diocesan Buildings Committee to inspect the Rectory; partly to assess the potential to improve energy efficiency and partly for them to compare it with the Hawick Rectory as accommodation to be offered to a joint appointee.

Coincidentally, our estate agents have also made a routine inspection. Their report will be shared with the Buildings Committee.

The building’s EPC (dating from 2021) gives an energy rating of E, with potential to achieve C (though with a lot of very expensive work). Some improvements would undoubtedly be needed if it were offered as clergy accommodation. Adam notes that draft Scottish Parliament legislation would require a minimum C rating for any dwelling offered for rent in 2025.

The bath taps and shower mixer have been replaced.

c.        Old School
John reported back on a meeting with Cheviot Youth’s manager and administrator. They agreed to maintain low-level space heating when the building is empty in very cold weather.

Cheviot Youth will consider asking SBC for a short-term let of the additional playground area (see item 5.3.b of Vestry minutes 20 July 2021 et seq.) now it is established that St. John’s has no legal basis for a claim on it.

Following the pipe repair outside, the level of water in the basement is reducing.

The administrator will organise defibrillator training later in the year, which will be open to all.

The energy supply is switching to British Gas Lite.

d.        Flat
Nothing to report.

6         Declarations of interest

7         Other business
We note that Rev. Stewart McPherson’s contract as interim minister of the Parish Church ends at Easter and wish him well for the future.

William attended a meeting of the St. Cuthbert’s Way pilgrimage group on our behalf. The group is asking for a £100 contribution from all the participating churches for further development and promotion. Vestry agreed.
Action: William to pass payee details to Christine.  

Our CCLI copyright licences expire on 31 March. We will need to decide at the next meeting which ones to renew. Do we gain enough from livestreaming our services to justify £36 per annum for the streaming licence?

Diocesan Synod meets on Saturday 25 February. St. John’s has no representative.
Action: Paul to send our formal apology.

8         Date of next meeting
Tuesday 21st March, 7.00


Tuesday 17 January 2023, 7.00 pm (Zoom)

A.        Opening Prayer
Ruth Johnson

B.        Apologies
Rev. Canon Bob King, Adam Bolam-Peel

C.        Participants         
Vestry members: Paul Beck (Secretary), John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor), Christine McLachlan, Ruth Johnson, Edward Martin, Gerard Henry.

Attending by invitation: Rev. Canon Susan Macdonald, William Horton.

D.        Minutes of meeting 25 November 2022
Accepted as a true record (proposed John Ogilvie, seconded Christine McLachlan). In addition, it was noted that we approved the Annual Accounts at a single-item Zoom meeting on 22nd November.

E.        Membership

E.1      Co-option of William Horton: we have discovered to our surprise that neither our Constitution nor the SEC Model Constitution on which it is based provides for the co-option of Vestry members, but we are advised that we can invite William to attend Vestry meetings to contribute his views and expertise, though without a vote. We agreed to do so and to consider revisiting the Constitution later in the year.

E.2      Declarations: We agreed that we would sign new charity trustee declarations.
Action: Paul to circulate them together with the explanatory notes from the SEC.

1            Safeguarding

1.1      PVG
We agreed to formally adopt the SEC’s 2020 Safeguarding Policy.

1.2      Health and Safety
Members of the congregation with church keys are requested not to go into the vestry while the floor is being dried after the recent burst pipe (item 5.2.a refers), in view of the danger of tripping over the carpet.

1.3      Data Protection
Nothing to report to Vestry.

2         Worship and faith formation

2.1      Covid precautions and adaptations
The gradual evolution of our communion distribution seems to be working.  

2.2      Services
A new version of the 1982 order of service for Holy Communion is now available, including all the seasonal eucharistic prayers that we currently print in separate leaflets. An anonymous donor has offered to pay for a set of copies in A5 and A4 formats. Vestry accepted the offer gratefully. Susan will order them, using the clergy discount.  

3         Outreach and ministry

3.1      Pastoral care
Starting in June 2022, our home communion ministry has been extended to offer a shortened communion followed by afternoon tea, held on alternate months, and hosted at the home of a member of the congregation. These have proved very popular with people who cannot get to our services. There may be a case for having them more frequently.  

3.2      Mission fundraising
William reported that a total of £335 was collected during the Advent Appeal. We agreed to round this amount up by £65 in order to send £200 to each of the two supported causes.
Action: Paul to get the correct payees’ names and addresses for Christine to prepare cheques.

4         Leadership and governance

4.1      AGM
Thanks to everyone who organised the event and provided reports. A fall of snow seriously reduced attendance but we were (just) quorate. It is a matter of regret that no new nominations for Vestry members or officers were received.

4.2      Annual forms
All the end-of-year information has now been submitted to the Diocese: Financial schedule, Safeguarding checklist, Congregation statistics. The Diocesan Schedule has been updated.

4.3      Planning for the future

a.        Recruitment
Paul and John met Diocesan Secretary Godfrey Robson on 19th December to discuss financial support and accommodation. Since then, it has been confirmed that the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Act 2022 would prevent the repossession of Rectories currently rented out; unless an exception is made for clergy ‘tied’ housing in the review due in March, this will alter the calculation.

Our updated Congregational Profile is ready and has been sent to the Hawick Vestry with our draft of what St. John’s would want to include in a joint PIC Profile, together with an invitation to meet again.
Action: Paul to ask about progress.

Susan reports that Selkirk and Galashiels are almost ready to submit their joint material to the Diocese.

b.        Activities during the rest of the interregnum
Ruth advocated that we should make plans to increase our community involvement without waiting for the appointment of a Priest-in-Charge. What about supporting local events and charities? Can we hold a coffee morning? Would an easter egg hunt attract young families? We agreed – subject to the “human resources” being found in a congregation that is already heavily involved in keeping the church going.
Action: Ruth to discuss this initially with Isobel Portch and take soundings.

c.        Church accessibility work
The Diocesan Buildings Committee has commented approvingly on our accessibility plans, though formal Canon 35 approval cannot be given while we are in interregnum. Our architect is now preparing to invite provisional tenders.

5          Stewardship

5.1      Financials

a.        Reports
The bank balance at the end of December was £87010 (including bequests).

b.        2022 Financial schedule
The quota-assessable income declared on our 2021-22 Schedule is 37% higher than for 2020-21 (thanks to paying no stipend and receiving a full year’s rentals), which will lead to an increase in our Diocesan quota allocation in 2023-24.

The allocation for the current year, 2022-23, is £3262, for which we now need to set up a monthly standing order.
Action: Christine to get a standing order form from RBS.

c.        HMRC – Gift Aid
With some hesitation, Paul explained his understanding that, for the purposes of reclaiming Gift Aid on donations to St. John’s, we nominate an “authorised official” and “responsible persons” from the charity for HMRC’s records and will need to update these names following Graham Watt’s death and Patrick Copsey’s move to Glasgow. Our nominee (the person entering the information and making the quarterly claims on our behalf) is Sue Bennett. John and Gerard offered to put their names forward.
Action: Paul to confirm the procedure with Sue Bennett.

5.2      Buildings

a.        Church
A burst pipe was discovered under the vestry sink just before Christmas. It has been repaired, but the vestry carpet and hardwood underlay are still drying out. John has asked Hislops for advice and (if necessary) a quote for replacement floor covering.

b         Rectory
The bath and bath taps are to be replaced.

c.        Old School
A burst pipe over the Christmas break, affecting the ceiling of the flat below Cheviot Youth’s premises, has been fixed. John will ask Cheviot Youth to pay for the recent repair and to make sure some heating is left on in areas vulnerable to damage when the weather is cold.

d.        Flat
Nothing to report to Vestry.

6         Declarations of interest

7         Other business
Paul and Susan will shortly meet Rev Stewart McPherson to discuss joint activities and services with the Parish Church.

8         Date of next meeting
Tuesday 21st February
