Vestry minutes 2019 – 2020

Minutes of meetings since the December 2019 AGM.
Minutes are added only after they have been approved (and, if necessary, amended) at the following meeting.


17 November 2020 | 20 October 2020 | 22 September 2020 | 18 August 2020 | 21 July 2020 | 30 June 2020 | 16 June 2020 | 2 June 2020 | 18 February 2020 | 21 January 2020 | 17 December 2019

Vestry Zoom Meeting, 17 November 2020 at 7.00 pm

A.    Opening Prayer
        Isobel Portch 

B.    Apologies
Adam Bolam-Peel 

C. Zoom Participants
            Fr. Andrew (Zoom Host), and Ann Beck, Christine McLachlan, Isobel Portch, Liz Kiteley, John Ogilvie and Graham Watt. 

D.   Minutes of meeting on 20th October 2020.
There were no amendments and so their adoption was proposed by Christine McLachlan  and seconded by John Ogilvie. Their adoption was carried unanimously

1.   Worship and Faith Formation

       1.1. Morning service
        The Morning Service together with Communion was going well.

       1.2. Wednesday service
             After discussion with Stewart MacPherson of the Old Parish Church the thought was advanced to hold a combined service. It would be good to get together. The idea would be advanced in the ‘Jottings’.

       1.3. Christmas
It had been thought that we could do something special for the occasion perhaps a drive-in service and enlisting the services of the Jedburgh brass band. To be feasible we would have to join with others. However time was not on our side so it was agreed to start planning soonest and target the idea for Easter.

               Fr. Andrew proposed that we have an evening service on Christmas eve. There would  be no singing but perhaps with a soloist. The deciding factor was cleaning which was required after the service; this  ruled out  a midnight service. On Christmas day the morning service would follow the established pattern Our maximum number is 25. Possible overflow facilities had to be considered.

       1.4. Advent
Fr. Andrew and the Rev. Stewart McPherson will offer a shared Advent Prayer and Study Group via Zoom each Tuesday night in Advent. There will be no special church service.

2.  Outreach and Ministry

      2.1. Covid
             Nothing to report. Our regulations had remained unchanged for the last three weeks.

    2.2.  Printer
The replacement printer had been obtained at £299 funded by the charity. The  fund provides support for religious items and vestments but we should be able to get round that.

    2.3.  PVG  Coordinator
Cathy Lees had agreed to take on the role. Her assumption had to be agreed with the diocese.

    2.4.  Accessibility Audit
Adam Bolam-Peel was handling the report which had to be filed

    2.5.  Aberlour
The Bishop had also chosen Aberlour as his charity. For us the details would need to be printed out and individuals who wished to  contribute could send  their donation direct to them.  

3.  Leadership and Governance

      3.1  Clergy Conference
This had lasted for one and a half days by Zoom and provided a valuable interchange of views.

      3.2.  Contracted Business  Manager
In view of our inability to find a Treasurer to replace Liz Kiteley, Fr. Andrew proposed that we appoint a Business Manager from outwith our ranks on a paid basis. They would be appointed by the Vestry, but the management of our finances would stay with the Vestry. Fr. Andrew tabled a draft Job Description. The Manager would require to have bookkeeping and other financial experience to fulfil the role. The additional cost of £15 per hour would have to be factored into the budget for 2020/2021Clearly there were some aspects of the job which could be handled by vestry members, for example a central filing system.

The proposal would require the approval of the vestry, the Church in AGM and the diocese.

Ann Beck proposed that the Job description and the appointment of a contracted Business Manager be approved. Isobel Portch seconded the Motion which was approved unanimously.

       3.3.  Vestry Membership
The Secretary pointed out that with the  constitutional resignation of Ann Beck and Isobel Portch the numbers would be reduced to four if we had nominations at the AGM.  Agreed that we should try to augment that number as we would need more members to take a share of the responsibilities.

4.  Stewardship  

      4.1  Monthly Figures
The  October figures showed an income of £3206  and expenditure of £7206  resulting in a deficit of £4000 and a closing bank balance of £71734.

     4.2  Accounts for the year ended 30th September 2020
The Accounts had been examined and approved by Lesley Thomson, the Independent  Examiner. Her findings were formally accepted by the vestry. Liz Kiteley was asked to thank Lesley Thomson for undertaking this assignment for us. The intention would be for these Accounts and the Budget 2020/2021 to be sent to the congregation members either by post or by email as  appropriate for discussion at the AGM.  This procedure was approved.

    4.3  Fire Certificate
The Certificate had been received together with an invoice for £126.60. It was not clear whether this would be an annual or whether there was another frequency of examination.

    4.4  Church Building

            a. Slates
                 Nothing to report   

            b.   Ralph Nagel
                  Agreed that a warm thank you be given to him. He does not want a hamper and we should consider giving the equivalent money value to a suitable charity.

            c.    Headstone
Fr. Andrew had been approached to find to find the grave of Mary Ann Rudd who died in 1961 as the family wished to erect a Headstone. The location had indeed been and so a Headstone would be erected.             

    5. 1.  St. John’s Old School

              a. Winter preparations
 There was no timeclock on the heating which was needed and also the guttering needed examination. Report back to the next meeting.

              b. Master’s Flat
The following was the state of play for the improvements:-

                    1. The extractor fan had been installed

                    2. A thorough survey of the heating was required

                    3. Scott & Foggon would advise on the alarm system  

                    4. Joinery work in the kitchen still had to be actioned

                    5. Likewise the deep cleaning of the carpets was outstanding

   6. 1.   Sharplaw Fence
                 There was doubt as to who was responsible for the fence. The Jedburgh Community Council would probably be involved thereafter the Council, Project on hold meantime.

7.  Any other business
      As this was Liz Kiteley’s last meeting Fr. Andrew wished to extend to her a vote of thanks for all the work which she had undertaken during her time as Treasurer and for her contribution to the work of the vestry which had been extremely valuable. The members endorsed these comments with acclamation.

8.  Next Meeting
     The next meeting would be held on 15th December 2020.


Vestry Zoom Meeting 20 October 2020

A.  Opening Prayer
Ann Beck

B.  Apologies
Christine MacLachlan

C  Zoom Participants
Father Andrew (Zoom host), and Ann Beck, Liz Kiteley, Isobel Portch, John Ogilvie and Graham Watt.

D  Minutes of meeting on 22nd September 2020
Amendments to the draft were proposed as follows :-

     a)  The heading should read “meeting “not “agenda’

     b)  The sum stated in 2.2.Mission Giving should read “£200” in place of “£300”

          Ann Beck proposed that the Minutes be adopted and John Ogilvie seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

1.  Worship and Faith Formation

     1.1 Morning Service and Holy Communion

           The  Wednesday morning service using the 1982 liturgy would go ahead the following day. Having canvassed support from the congregation there was a very positive view that  communion should be restored.

     1.2 Christmas

             We may  still be bound by social distancing and disinfection problems which would influence our decisions.  A midnight service must be out given the need for deep cleaning thereafter. This left us with the usual morning service and the maximum possible attendance of 22. We could install speakers outside to deal with any overflow and of course the service could be relayed on You Tube. Another thought was a drive in service on appropriate ground. Fr. Andrew would discuss ideas with Stewart MacPherson, newly arrived to the Church of Scotland

2.  Outreach and Ministry  

      2.1  Covid

            There were no outstanding issues to report

      2.2  PVG and WHS

              No progress. We need to appoint a PVG coordinator soonest


                  The forms had all been downloaded but will consult others who have completed this task.

      2.4  Mission giving

              a) Border Street Pastors

                  The Secretary had circulated correspondence and the vestry lauded the new relationship and it was suggested that Ann Beck should prepare a paper on the subject,

              b) Aberlour

                   We had supported this organisation for a long number of years and it was recommended that this be continued. Fr. Andrew and Ann Beck to discuss further.

3.  Leadership and Governance

       The Bishop had still to convene his meeting with the small charges so there was nothing to report on this front. The Borders Area Council was due to meet and this might provide some information.

4.  Stewardship

      4.1   Monthly  and year-end figures

        The figures  for September showed a shortfall of £2182. For the year to end September the Income was £ 35120 and the expenses were £ 53033 with a resultant deficit of £17912. The year-end bank balance was therefore £72529.

     4.2  Budget 2020/2021

              4.2.1    The budget had been prepared on the basis of previous years’ actuals and best estimates made where there have been material changes.

4.2.2    The income reflects the decreased congregation and also includes £3675 from letting the Rectory giving a total of £31065.

              4.2.3    Expenses the Church building takes £2370 capital and Running expenses of £4200. Refurbishing the Rectory will cost £3000 capital and £1120 Running expense. The Master’s flat is estimated to cost £8,200 out of capital and £5896 of Running costs.

              4.2.4   Total expenses are therefore £62,701.

              4.2.5   The estimated  year end bank balance is £40893

              4 2.6  Adjustments to be made to the Budget.

a)   It has just been established that a Church fund could meet the cost of a new printer which would be around £500. Fr. Andrew was asked to pursue.

b)    We have skipped a year with Mission giving and we should budget for £500 the recipient to be decided later.   

              4.2.7 Budget Approval

                  It was proposed by John Ogilvie and seconded by Graham Watt that the  Budget be adopted. The motion was carried unanimously  

   5.1. Accounts 2019/2020

          The Accounts had now been finished and would be handed over to Lesley Thomson, the independent Examiner for her comments and approval            

    6.1 Treasurer/Business Manager
           Liz Kiteley had produced an excellent break-down of the Treasurer’s duties which would be very helpful when pursuing our objective in filling this vacant position, Fr. Andrew said that as there  was still nobody in sight as Treasurer he had been pursuing the alternative of a Business Manager. Such a position had been adopted by a number of churches with success . Such a person would be responsible to the Vestry who would give him his terms of reference. Fr. Andrew had spoken with Simon Cake, Rector for the A7 churches, and it might be possible to combine the function with Hawick.

             The following was therefore proposed :-

   a)  In principle, the vestry was asked to pursue the outsourcing of this function.

   b)  Sue Bennet was to be approached to see if she wished to be considered.

   c)  An exploratory talk should take place with Hawick and their incumbent .

   d)  Fr. Andrew, Isobel Portch and Liz Kiteley would form a working group and would report back in two weeks

   The appropriate motion was proposed by John Ogilvie and seconded by Graham Watt.  The motion was carried unanimously.

         7.1  Church Slates
                Nothing to report

         8. 1 St. John’s Old School
                 8.1.1 Rental Enquiries
                          Nothing to report

                 8.1.2 Winter preparations
                           Adam Bolam-Peel would arrange for appropriate access and would determine whether heating should be left on at a low temperature to parry frost and condensation.

          9.1  Master’s Flat
                       To put the flat into liveable condition required decoration, the deep cleaning of the carpets, replacing the drainage boards, erecting a cupboard in the bathroom and sorting  the drainage at the front elevation where currently the  overflow runs into the  front of the building.

           10.1 Sharplaw Road
                           A start on the work is imminent.

 7. Administration
            7.1   AGM          

                     The Secretary reported that OSCR would permit the holding of the AGM outwith the usual date because of complications posed by Covid. However he could see no need to differ from our timing of 6th December. 20 people attended last year so he proposed that in order to comply with social distancing regulations  the meeting should be held in the church . The meeting agreed and it was remitted to Fr. Andrew and the Secretary to flesh out the details.

8. Any other business
There was none

9. Next Meeting
17th November 2020


Vestry Zoom Meeting 22 September 2020

A.  Opening Prayer.
Adam Bolam–Peel

B.  Apologies
Liz Kiteley

C.  Zoom  Participants
      Fr. Andrew (Zoom host) and Ann Beck, Christine MacLachlan, Isobel Portch, John Ogilvie, and Graham Watt.

D.   Minutes of meeting on 18th August 2020
       Amendments to the draft were proposed as follows :-

       2.3. £700 should be inserted in substitution for £200.

       4.4.3. The Minute should read “Fire Equipment. The inspection had not been carried out but a service call had been booked for October.”

The adoption of the Minutes was proposed by  Christine MacLachlan and seconded  by John Ogilvie. The motion was carried unanimously.

1. Worship and Faith Formation
    1.1.  Thanks was expressed to Paul Beck for holding the services in Fr. Andrew’s absence for holidays.

    1.2.  Revised Covid19 Guidance Notes
             These were awaited from the Diocese, but it was clear that pastoral work in homes had to be suspended. Only one other household could be received in a garden, but communion can only be celebrated in a home in an emergency situation. Meetings can still occur in public spaces including cafes and pubs with appropriate distancing.

   1.3.  Holy Communion/Morning Prayer
            As communion at home has been suspended, we would sound out the congregation as to whether they would wish to have Holy Communion reintroduced to replace Morning Prayer. Meanwhile Fr. Andrew would consider practicalities which mainly affect the celebrant. The congregation is already meeting most of the Guidelines needed. Numbers are limited and we may need to consider an additional service perhaps midweek.

   1.4.  Broadcasting the Service
            Such could be held by video using the Sunday service up to the peace.  Others can read the intercessions to increase participation. Further thought required.

2.  Outreach and Ministry.

     2.1.  Changes to membership
         a)  Margaret Robinson thanks us for our prayers and had asked that she be removed from the Register due to a change in circumstances.

         b)  Elizabeth Martin continues to thank us for all we do and indicates it may be some time before she and Edward are able to attend regularly.

         c)   Ann Jackson has sold her home and has moved to England.

      2.2.  PVG & WHS roles
               There was no one currently willing to assume either role. It was desirable to fill the former by the date of the AGM.

      2.3.    Mission Giving
               It was proposed that the balance of £200 should be paid to Border Street Pastors on the recommendation of Ann Beck. See attached document and proposal. Ann Beck proposed that payment be made to the Pastors and Adam Bolam – Peel seconded. The motion was carried, and it was remitted to Liz Kiteley to make payment.

3.  Leadership and Governance

      3.1. Diocesan responses to governance of small charges.
              Bigger picture discussions continue regarding our governance challenges. The Bishop and various diocesan stakeholders are considering systemic approaches and will consult with Fr Andrew and other charges as the process unfolds.

      3.2.  Treasurer
               The Bishop and members of the diocesan Finance Committee have indicated that there is no block to developing alternate ways of meeting the requirements of a treasurer at local level.  A suggestion has been made that a paid ‘Business Manager’ or bookkeeper could allow us to function and be compliant with OSCR requirements in the short term. In addition, it was proposed that we examine the possibility of combining the function with the treasurer of the A7 churches centred on Hawick and that Fr. Andrew be authorised to enter into discussions with Simon Cake to investigate developing a possible job description including hours and rates of pay to be presented at the next meeting.

The motion was proposed by John Ogilvie and seconded by Isobel Portch. The motion was carried.

4.  Stewardship

     4.1. Monthly figures
             Income for the month was £2825 and expenses £3203 giving therefore a shortfall of £378 and an end of month Bank Balance of £74711.

           4.2.  AGM  
              It was agreed that this would be held on 6th December dependent on any advice from the Diocese as to the holding of AGM’s in current Circumstances.

     4.3.  Slates

               There was nothing to report but the Secretary would advise any developments.

     4.4.   St. John’s Old School
               a) Any of the fixtures and playthings now left by the JOSC would be regarded as ours. Two rental enquiries had been received and will be followed up after the Covid restrictions to use of our buildings have been lifted.

               b) It was remitted to John Ogilvie and Adam Bolam – Peel  to determine what should be done to prepare the premises for winter.

               c) James Galbraith suggests that any proposed changes to the building would require clear floor plans. Moray Mclaren of their Architect’s Department has made contact offering to assist and we will get back to him at a later time if needed.

     4.5.    Master’s Flat
                The following were the works in train.

                a) Rory Stewart was to arrange for installation of a Fan in the Bathroom. In addition he would check the gutters.

                b) The decoration would be carried out in November following the completion of damp repair.

                c) The carpets would need to re-fixed and the Flat deep cleaned.

                d) Watch to be kept on condensation to discern any change

     4.6.    Rectory
                a) An initial estimate of works is required and could include some replacement of floorcoverings and re-decorating before rental. Isobel Portch agreed to arrange for a Rental assessment to take place.

     4.7.    Sharplaw Fence
                A quotation had been received for a complete overhaul of the fence at £456.80 and also another at £200 for only making it safe. It was agreed  with acclamation to go with the second option.

5.  AOB
               Ann Beck indicated that we should discuss Aberlour Christmas Giving at the next meeting.

6.  Next meeting
              This would be held on 20th October 2020.

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Vestry Zoom meeting 18th August 2020

A   Opening  Prayer
      Ann Beck

B.   Apologies
      Adam Bolam – Peel

 C.  Zoom Participants
Fr. Andrew (Zoom host) and Ann Beck, Liz Kiteley, Christine MacLachlan, Isobel Portch, John Ogilvie, and Graham Watt.

 D.  Minutes of meeting on 21st July 2020
The adoption of the Minutes was proposed by John Ogilvie and seconded by Isobel Portch. The motion was carried.

1.  Worship and Faith Formation
      1.1  Video
Fr. Andrew said that we would continue with the Sunday service being made available on line. We were discontinuing live streaming but a recorded version available on  Facebook and You Tube somewhat later.

     1.2.  Wednesday Service
The Sunday service was being well supported in the Church and we were in danger of reaching capacity given social distancing. Fr. Andrew had it in mind to institute a Wednesday morning service using the same format and service sheets as for the preceding Sunday.. Individuals would have to indicate which service they wished to attend so that numbers were known in advance. The vestry agreed to these proposals.

2.  Outreach and Ministry
     2. 1  Covid 19.
Sanitising and filling the pews from the front was being observed as was the wearing of face masks in church. Only the service leader and readers could be without such when they were leading the service. The Bishop should be informed that we were adopting this additional regulation to Phase three.

     2.2.  PVG and WHS
Nothing to report.

     2.3.  Mission Giving 2019
Only £700 of the £1000 had so far been allocated. It was thought that time should be taken to ascertain the appropriate group working with vulnerable young people in the Borders to whom funds could be allocated. Report to be made at the next Vestry.

3.  Leadership and Governance

     3.1  Governance Reflection Progress See attached document
Bishop John has responded positively to the report tabled at last meeting and indicated that other charges are experiencing similar difficulties. These have been highlighted by the effect that the Coronavirus was continuing to have. The Bishop intended to hold a meeting with diocesan officials in the near future to discuss these issues. Fr. Andrew indicated that St. John’s was in a leadership crisis and that change may be necessary if we were to move to the future. Short term immediate responses will be needed while working on the bigger picture issues. There was a lot of work to be done, whether our Church retained its independence or joined in with others to be part of a viable whole and thereby being stronger than apart. There was general understanding of the position.

The Congregation needed to be made aware. Fr Andrew will prepare and send a congregational letter with progress to date.

4.  Stewardship

     4.1  Treasurer
Liz Kiteley intimated that in view of no successor having been appointed she would  stay on till the AGM

     4. 2  Monthly Figures
Income for July was £2968 and expenses were £3357 resulting in a reduction of cash available of £389 and the resultant Bank Balance  of £75090. We should bear in mind the Planned Deficit of £28000 which reduces our “free “ cash.

     4. 3. Independent Examiner
Lesley Thomson had agree to act

     4. 4 Church Buildings

              4.4.1  Disability Access Audit
No progress to date

              4.4 2. Slates and finials.
It was agreed to leave aside the finials for the moment. As for the slates Graham Watt would liaise with Adam  Bolam- Peel regarding his suggestion of using the vestry tiles for essential repairs.

               4.4 3. Inspection of Fire Equipment
A service had been booked, and an engineer would call in October.

               4.4.4.  Yew Trees
It was proposed to treat the yews at the front of the Church at a cost of £400 as quoted and to obtain a quote for the trees at the back from Stewart Lees. The motion was proposed by Ann Beck and seconded by John Ogilvie The motion was carried.

     4. 5. St. John’s Old School.

                4.5.1  Professional survey
An initial comment has been received from James Galbraith leading to a valuation inspection of both the rectory and Old School conducted by Alex Ingliss from the Galbraith property Group. There was nothing that would make us delay our current plans and the valuation will be presented to the next meeting.

                4.5.2.  Proposed works (see attached document)
a)  The planning continues for Fr. Andrew to move out of the Castlegate Rectory with a view to renting out that property at a rent of approx. £600 p.m. Decoration was estimated to cost £500.

b)  The next part of the plan was to renovate the Master’s flat suitable for occupation. The work needed before this could take place were  – condensation , wet rot, rising damp, woodworm, windows and damaged downpipe. The approximate cost of these works was £ 4500 to which should be added Decoration at say £500.The object of the exercise was to install Fr. Andrew or alternatively rent out one property or the other. John Ogilvie proposed and Adam Bolam- Peel seconded a motion that detailed costings for the Master’s flat and  the Rectory be obtained and that meantime they be authorised to commit up to £5000 +vat. The motion was carried with Liz Kiteley abstaining.

                4.5.3. JOSC
No contact had been made with them to establish whether all the effects that were theirs had been removed. The odds and ends that were left could justifiably be regarded as ours. Agreed that they should be removed by whatever means. Isobel Portch will finalise a date for the handover of keys.

                4.5.4. Sharplaw Fence (see attached document)
On clearing the bank defects in the fence alongside the pavement had become visible. John Watson, a fencer, had been approached and his estimate to put the fence right was £ 457. It was agreed that we should obtain two more quotes, in time for a decision to be taken at the next vestry. Paul Beck agreed to follow this up.

5.  Any other business
The Secretary advised that we should confirm the arrangements for the AGM at the next meeting.

6 . Next Meeting
22nd September

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Vestry Zoom meeting 21st July 2020 at 7.00 pm.

A.  Opening Prayer
Isobel Portch.

B.  Apologies
Ann Beck, Elizabeth Martin, Rosemary Wilson.

C.  Zoom Participants
Fr. Andrew, Zoom Host, and Adam Bolam – Peel, Liz Kiteley, Christine McLachlan, Isobel Portch, John Ogilvie and Graham Watt.

D.   Minutes of Meeting on 30th June 2020
An amendment to item 4.5.2. was proposed, namely that the word “estimated“ be substituted for  “quoted “  The adoption of the minutes as amended was proposed by Christine MacLachlan and seconded by John Ogilvie. The motion was carried.

1.  Worship and Faith Formation
1.1 Online worship:
The online services were continuing to be well received and the addition of the organ played by Isobel Portch and the readings by Jeremy Portch added to the overall atmosphere. The ringing of the bell let Jedburgh know that we were open for worship.  To extend the music repertoire it was suggested that we broadened our copyright licence to cover all other hymnals at a cost of £32. The motion was proposed by Isobel Portch and seconded by John Ogilvie. The motion was carried.

1.2 Pastoral visits:
As it was now permitted, Fr. Andrew is celebrating Holy Communion with single households or neighbourhood clusters of households as per the Bishops’ Guidelines. This will continue for some time … see Action Plan below. 

2.  Outreach and Ministry
2.1. Covid 19 Emerging from Lockdown: Phase 3 Action Plan
Primate’s Instructional Video: The video prepared by the College of Bishops giving practical instruction for commencing Phase Three Re-gathering for Worship was played. The video showed the constraints and protocols surrounding the celebration of the Eucharist and its distribution.

2.2. Opening the Church for Public Worship
See Action Plan for Phase Three Re-Opening document

– Fr. Andrew suggested that given the constraints outlined in the primate’s video, it may be more appropriate to take a staged return to public worship.

– Rather than resuming Holy Communion straight away, the public be invited to attend the service of Morning Prayer recorded each Sunday morning. The video would then continue to be available on Facebook and YouTube for those who were shielding or otherwise unable to attend the service in church.

– Eucharist would continue to be offered individually or in neighbourhood groups in private homes.

– The measures put into effect for individual meditation and prayer would be continued in essence but the pews would now be made available with social distancing. It was thought that a maximum of 22 could be so accommodated.

– Two ushers would be needed plus one in reserve should someone require the toilet facilities in the Old School in an emergency.

– The vestry note that our plans had to be approved by the Bishop and would be reviewed at the next meeting.

– It was proposed by Adam Bolam-Peel and seconded by Graham Watt that we forward the Phase 3 Action Plan to the Bishop for approval. The motion was carried.

3.  Leadership and Governance
3.1. Resignations and Vacancies:
By the next AGM there will be the following vacancies caused by the resignation or change in circumstances of the current bearers that are unlikely to be easily filled.

– Liz Kiteley will step down as Treasurer at the end of the financial year.

– Rosemary Wilson has resigned as Synod Representative/SEC Borders Council.

– Ruth Johnson is no longer able to continue as PVG Co-ordinator.

– John Ogilvie has agreed to act as interim Buildings Co-ordinator for one year after which there will continue to be a vacancy for a Buildings Convenor.

– Margaret Taylor has indicated that she would like to step down from the Sacristy Team.

 3.2 Governance reflection paper
Leadership and Governance Musings document was circulated prior to Vestry.
In summary, we have real challenges filling leadership positions because of the size of our congregation and the increased complexity of those positions. Some of those who had shouldered the burdens over a number of years were now suffering from fatigue or changing priorities. Having spoken to the Bishop informally, it was clear that we were not alone in this situation. Other smaller charges are also finding it difficult to meet the obligations of their current constitutions, the Diocese and the Office of Scottish Charity Regulators.

Fr. Andrew said that he would explore the possibility of working with the Rev Simon Cake and the A7 charges who are experiencing similar challenges to our own. We would also continue to explore the Governance options raised in 2019.

Liz Kiteley said that spending money on buildings that need significant maintenance could be pouring money into a bottomless pit.Fr. Andrew said that we need to undertake significant research into the options outlined in the Stewardship paper discussed last year to be able to make wise decisions.

Action: The document would be forwarded to the Bishop for his information and comment and discussion continue at Clergy Chapter and in other forums. Fr Andrew will continue to seek office bearers.

4.  Stewardship
 4.1. Monthly Financials and Treasurer’s Report
The figures for June showed expense of £8955 (property costs on the church were £5698 mainly for the paving drainage works) and income of £1776, drawing on savings for the period of £7180. The closing Bank Balance was £75479.

Independent Examiner: The position had been raised with Lesley Thomson who was considering the request.

Small Business Grant Scheme:   It had been reported at a previous meeting that the SEC along with other church bodies had been in discussion with the Scottish Government about churches being allowed to claim some funding from the Small Business Grant Scheme in  light of reduced funds due to the impact of Covid 19. The Government had stated that churches would not be eligible.

Management/transfer of the funds from the Scottish Building Society was in hand, including retaining the amount of the Grover Bequest in the account.

Ecclesiastical Insurance fundraising webinar was available for viewing at Https:// but was not applicable at this stage.

4.2 Church Building
a) Disability Access Audit continues to be on hold due to the pandemic.

b) Slates and finials: Graham Watt said that our roofer had still not been able to source slates of the type and non-standard size that we needed to match the existing. Adam Bolam-Peel suggested that tiles could be taken off the vestry roof and used for repairs. Possible relaxation of the heritage rules relating to rooves would be explored This was thought to be an excellent suggestion and he would follow up with Colin Gilmore. The finials were to be followed up with Harkins by John Ogilvie.

c) Fire Fighting Equipment: It had now been ascertained that fire extinguishers must be annually serviced as part of a maintenance contract in accordance with BS5306-3:2009. Such maintenance was in hand.

 4.3 Rectory: Nothing to report at this stage.

 4.4 St. John’s Old School
a) JOSC Clearance The end of the month had been given as the date by which the clearance had to be completed. The question was raised of the climbing frame which was sunk into the concrete. It would seem it remains the property of the Centre.

b) Master’s Flat Refurbishment: A Progress Report was circulated and discussed. See attached.The Flat has been viewed by several companies who are in the process of developing their reports including advice and quotes. Adam Bolam-Peel and John Ogilvie would collate all the advice and estimates received and develop a costed proposal for discussion at a later date. It was proposed that the sum of £200 be approved for paying any extra fees that might arise. The motion that was proposed by Isobel Portch and seconded by Graham Watt and was passed unanimously.

Fr. Andrew reported that now Lockdown has relaxed he would have to step back from detailed involvement in the process to focus on ministry, but he could be involved in a consultative capacity as required.

c) Yew Trees: Stewart Lees had now quoted £350 for the trees at the back plus £400 for the trees at the front, however the work should not be done until September. Agreed that a second quote be obtained by John Ogilvie and that a proposal be put to the August Vestry.

5.  Any other business
There was none

6.  Date of next meeting
18th August 2020

^ top

Vestry Zoom meeting 30th June at 7.00 pm

A.  Opening Prayer
Rosemary Wilson.

B.  Apologies
Elizabeth Martin

C.  Zoom Participants
Fr. Andrew (Zoom Host) and Ann Beck, Adam Bolam-Peel, Liz Kiteley, Christine MacLachlan, Isobel Portch, John Ogilvie, Graham Watt and Rosemary Wilson also took part.

D.  Minutes of the meeting of 16th June 2020
The following amendments were proposed :-

a)  Paul Beck be deleted from the participants.
b)  Line 3 of item 2a) “prayer” be substituted for “worship.”
c)   The last sentence of item 2b) be deleted and the following be substituted “once the pandemic is over, we will have a better idea what funds might be available”
d)   Item 3 is redrafted as follows:-“Liz Kiteley indicated that it would be preferable for the new Treasurer and herself  to operate in tandem from 1st October and she would then resign at the AGM. Fr. Andrew indicated that we would need a Job Description for the position as the title could encompass a number of tasks. Having demitted office as Treasurer  Liz Kiteley could stand for the Vestry at the AGM for a full three-year term.”
e)   In item 4b)1 the sum for the Harkins cheque be inserted £5354

Their adoption was proposed by John Ogilvie and seconded by Ann Beck. The motion was carried.

It was noted that Vestry minutes for the last year were now available on the website.

1.  Worship and Faith Formation
1.1. Online Worship
The online Sunday morning service was now established as an important part in the lives of the congregation. The video was now coming from the church and as well as playing suitable pieces on the organ, Isobel Portch was saying the responses.

2.  Outreach and Ministry
Fr.  Andrew tabled his paper  responding to the College of Bishops’ Advice re “Emerging from Lockdown Phase 2 Plan” which deals with preparing the church to be open for individual prayer, and the measures to be introduced for the safe conduct of these periods.

2.1. It is proposed to open the church on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 10 am to 12 noon. One of the volunteers will have to be always present.

2.2. Bringing the building back into use
a)  The need for volunteers to ready the church and to act as custodians would be highlighted in Jedburgh Jottings. Those who so far had expressed willingness were:-  Colin Wilkins, Helen Tyler, Rosemary Wilson, Isobel Portch, Graham and Carol Watt, Robert Anderson, and Patrick Copsey. Offers are continuing to come in for the other tasks needed.
b) All pews would have to be roped/blocked off and a wipeable chair would be provided in the chancel for visitors coming for private prayer.
c)  Sanitisers and Wipes would be provided.

2.3. Volunteers and visitors
There will always be a volunteer on hand whenever there is a visitor present.  Two households. will be the maximum at any one time. The volunteer will take full address details. All would have to abide by social distancing rules.

2.4. Facilities
There would be no toilets available except in dire emergency, in which event the needful could be escorted to the Centre and the Church would be closed in the meantime.

2.5. Services
There will be no Weddings during this period. No funerals will be held, preference being given to the graveside or funeral home, chapel, or crematorium.

The paper had to be sent to the Bishop for approval and so it was proposed by Christine MacLachlan and seconded by Isobel Portch that the arrangements contained in this paper be agreed by the vestry and that the paper be sent to the Bishop. The motion was carried unanimously.

3.  Leadership and Governance
3.1. Treasurer
Fr. Andrew would draw up a job description and highlight the coming vacancy in Jedburgh Jottings.

3.2. Sacristan
Fr. Andrew intimated that Margaret Taylor wished to step down from Sacristan duties in October. The Secretary undertook to send her an appropriate card thanking her for her services

4.  Stewardship
4.1. Fundraising Workshop.
Liz Kiteley mentioned that she had enrolled to participate in a Fundraising workshop hosted by Ecclesiastical Insurance.

4. 2. Bank Accounts
As our funds were now less than £85,000 there was no need for the separate  bank account with the Scottish Building Society. However it was thought desirable to leave it open with a minimal amount at credit. Alternatively it was thought that the Grover bequest of £6500 could with advantage be kept in this account. This placement was proposed by Liz Kiteley and seconded by Rosemary Wilson. The motion was agreed.

4. 3.  Independent Examiner
We had to appoint another Examiner as the present incumbent was standing down.  Liz Kiteley proposed that Lesley Thomson might be suitably qualified  and might be willing to undertake the duty. There was a fee of £125 that ran with the appointment. Liz Kiteley would make the approach.

4.4.  Church Buildings . Outstanding

4.4.1. Drainage. Lothian estates don’t have any map of the drains.

4.4.2. Finials. Mike Harkins was going to inspect with a drone.

4.4.3.  Lightening  Conductor. Agreed that this had to be inspected by us annually, and by a qualified  inspector every four years.

4.4.4.  Fire Extinguishers. Check if they require annual inspection. Check on other appliances and when an  inspection is due. Report to be made on position at the next vestry.

4.4.9   Slates. Apparently, Westmoreland slates had been available but had  been sold without first being offered to us. The Secretary to follow up with John Ogilvie.

4.5. Old School Report from Isobel Portch

4.5.1. Clearance. There was more rubbish than had been anticipated and it was more than one person could do on their own. Kelly was struggling. It was agreed that the committee be written to specifying that a final date for clearance was to be determined with the committee, preferably by the end of July.

4.5.2 Master’s Flat.  There are a range of issues that need to be resolved before the flat is habitable. Advice and estimates have been sought for the damp issues. An initial quote with advice has been received from Hanlons for £6372 incl. VAT. Other advice and estimates are pending including Harkins and Border Timberguard, Rory Stewart and others are still to be sourced.   It was also agreed that Adam Bolam-Peel would meet with Colin Gilmore of SBC on site to obtain his views. There were other tasks that had to be performed namely re-plastering and decoration for which estimates could be obtained when the picture was clearer.

It was proposed that a working group be formed comprising Fr. Andrew, Adam Bolam – Peel and John Ogilvie with full authority to pursue the matter. The motion was proposed by Graham Watt and seconded by Isobel Portch. The motion was carried.

4.6. Yew Trees. Ian Lee’s brother, now relocated here, had given an estimate of £400 for trimming 8 trees. The actual number back and front should be confirmed, there was thought to be more than 8 requiring trimming. Ian’s brother would then requote. As to timing, it was thought that  after the nesting season was over work could commence, which indicated after August. It was agreed that John Ogilvie would pursue the matter and report to the August meeting.

5.  AOB
Fr. Andrew indicated that he had sent a card of congratulation to Bishop John on the completion of 40 years since his ordination.

6.  Next Meeting
21st July

^ top

Vestry Zoom meeting 16th June 2020

A.  Opening Prayer
Rosemary Wilson

B.  Apologies
Elizabeth Martin, Adam Bolam – Peel

C.  Zoom Participants
Fr. Andrew (Zoom Host), Ann  Beck, Liz Kiteley, Christine McLachlan, Isobel Portch, John Ogilvie, Graham Watt and Rosemary Wilson were  also taking part.

D.  Minutes of meeting of 2nd June 2020
Their adoption was proposed by Rosemary Wilson and seconded by John Ogilvie. The motion was approved

1.  Worship and Faith Formation
The online worship had been well received in spite of the recent glitches. Further possibilities were dialling in, for those without the internet, and using Zoom to provide another medium.

2.  Outreach and Ministry

a) Covid 19 issues and Diocesan Guidelines
Fr. Andrew spoke to the Guidance for Phase 2 issued by the SEC. It was likely that on !8th June there would be further announcements among which would be the opening of churches for private prayer. The church would have to be deep cleaned and there would have to be someone to supervise arrangements. Social distancing would have to be observed,  and the place that the worshipper had occupied would have to be disinfected after the person had left. Organ Practice was  permitted. We would also have to inform our insurers. Doubt was expressed as to how many people would take the opportunity to come to the church and Liz Kiteley suggested that the Jottings could  try to determine possible numbers. Liz Kiteley proposed that it was not worthwhile opening the church for the few people that would be involved and the administrative complications that would ensue. Isobel Portch seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. 

b) Mission Giving 2019
Ann Beck reported that the cheque had been duly received by the Foodbank. The question remained who should be favoured with the remainder. Fr. Andrew suggested that once the pandemic was over there might be a clearer idea of where the need was most. There was a balance for 2019 unexpended and it was suggested that the amount should be ascertained and awarded by the year end. Ann Beck proposed an appropriate motion and was seconded by Rosemary Wilson. The motion was carried. Once the pandemic is over we will have a better idea what funds might be available.

3.  Leadership and Governance
Liz Kiteley indicated that it would be preferable for the new Treasurer and herself to operate in tandem from 1st October and she would then resign at the AGM.  Fr. Andrew indicated that we would need  a Job Description for the position as the title could encompass a number of tasks. Having demitted office as Treasurer Liz Kiteley could stand for the vestry at the AGM for a full three-year term.

4.  Stewardship
a)  Financial Report

The April figures were tabled which showed income of £3048 partly boosted by Gift Aid claimed of £1043. Expenses were £4502 leading to a Deficit for the month of £1454 and  a Bank Balance of £84610.

b) Church Property Report

1.  Harkins had been involved in sealing of the paving stones round the church in order to prevent subterranean seepage into the church which had been causing the valuable tiles to crack. The  question of whether the drains were connected to a system or whether they simply discharged into a soak away had still to be determined. Gerard Henry should be asked for any information he might have. It was agreed that Harkins’ cheque for £5354 be paid without the  usual 30 days.

2.  Finials
The finials’ condition was worrying and it was suggested that Harkins be consulted. The remedial cost had been put at £15000 -20000. It was agreed that Harkins should have a look and give us their opinion. It might be that the only option was to remove them.

3. Wall
The bulging wall had been duly put right by Harkins when they were already on  site.

4.  Rectory
The cost of decoration so far was £508 and there  was a need now to reassess what further work required to be done and at what cost.

c)  Old School Building

1.  Occupation of OOSC
John Ogilvie reported that the entrance way was tired and would be improved buy a small working party to clear the weeds and the rubbish outside. Rosemary Wilson and Isobel Portch were already willing participants. The out of School Club Had not made much effort so far to clear the rubbish in the building, Kelly has said that it would take just a day to clear. It was agreed that a date be set for the completion of the clearance.

2.  Master’s Flat
There was serious damp affecting the front of the building and also seriously affecting the Master’s Flat. Hanlon Groundwork had  investigated. The windows would have to be replaced at some time. We were seeking to make it habitable and we would have to dip into savings to do so thereby releasing the Rectory for rental. Harkins would be asked to investigate.

d) Yew Trees
An up to assessment of their number and condition would need to be made and if expertly guided  a working party could be got together. There were conflicting opinions as to the best time of year when the remedial work could be undertaken. Ian Lees’ brother, a landscape gardener, recently moved to the area, would be asked for his opinion.

5.  Diocesan Finance
Rosemary Wilson raised the matter of the papers that had been circulated, and in particular the questionnaire asking for views on the various options. Fr. Andrew said that these were for completion by Synod members to determine how to bring in extra revenue.

6.  Next Meeting
Zoom at 7.00. on 30th June

^ top

Vestry Zoom meeting on Tuesday 2nd June at 7.00 pm

A.  Opening Prayer
Fr. Andrew, who gave thanks for all the essential services that we continued to enjoy and in particular for the care provided by the hospitals. Thanks also  for the emergency operation undertaken for Elizabeth  Martin which was leading to a slow but positive outcome.

B.   Apologies
Elizabeth Martin

C.  Zoom Participants
Fr. Andrew in the chair and Paul and Anne Beck, Adam Bolam – Peel, Liz Kiteley, Christine McLachlan, Isobel Portch, John Ogilvie, Graham Watt, and Rosemary Wilson were  also taking part.

1.  Worship and Faith Formation
The College of Bishops would shortly be issuing new Guidelines for Phase1 and we await their guidance on church openings and how this would be handled. The service on Sunday 31st May had been beamed from Claire Nicholson’s wonderful garden. The opportunity had also arisen to discuss the taking of communion to one household per day . Fr. Andrew had also raised the question with the Bishop. It was likely that this would come under Phase 2.

2.  Outreach and Ministry
The sum of £200 for the Foodbank was sanctioned.

3.  Stewardship
a)   Financial Report. Liz Kiteley spoke to the figures which were as at end April. Income was £3048 buoyed by the monthly standing orders  completed by members of the congregation. The deficit was therefore £1404 and the closing bank balance £84610.

b)  Property. John Ogilvie reported that Harkins had started work on the paving stones round the church and the bulging wall. Hopefully the weather would allow the work to proceed.

c)  Fr. Andrew sought approval to seek quotes for the work required on the Master’s flat. This was given unanimously.

4.   Next Meeting
a) Tuesday 9th June
b) Papers were requested as follows :-
Isobel Portch, The Centre
John Ogilvie, Property

^ top

Vestry Meeting 18th February 2020

A.  Opening Prayer
Rosemary Wilson

B.   Apologies
Ann Beck

C.   Attendance
The Revd. Andrew Cooper in the chair and Adam Bolam-Peel, Liz Kiteley, Christine McLachlan, Elizabeth Martin, Isobel Portch, John Ogilvie, Graham Watt and Rosemary Wilson were also present.

D.  Minutes of the Meeting on 21st January  2020
The following alterations were proposed :-
a) Under apologies delete “Cathy Lees”
b) Under 1.1. On the fourth line delete “family service on” so that the line reads “again offer Midnight Mass as well as a Christmas day service.”
c)  Under 3.2. change 27th May to 2nd March.

The motion that these changes be incorporated was proposed by John Ogilvie and seconded by Isobel Portch. The motion was passed unanimously.

1.  Worship and Faith Formation

1.1.  Jedburgh Churches together.
(Paul Beck joined the meeting)
The meeting was attended by representatives of each church and they agreed that it was vital to continue to work together, but that the existing committee structure was unsustainable and so the committee was dissolved. The latest bank balance at 20th June 2019 showed a credit of £495 54 and it was agreed that the account be closed and that the proceeds be shared equally between the three churches. Activities formerly organised by the committee would now pause, allowing a fresh start to be made once a new structure was in place. Activities at an advanced state of planning (World Day of Prayer and the Lent Study Group ) would proceed. Agreed that the clergy  would meet at an early date to discuss the way forward.

(Paul Beck left the meeting)

1.2. Lent and Easter 2020
Fr. Andrew  tabled his proposals for the period
a) Shrove Tuesday  25th February, Pancakes at the Rectory 3.00p.m.
b) Ash Wednesday 26th 11am Eucharist and imposition of ashes and 5.30.  Evening Prayer and Ashes.
c) Lenten Study Group. Beginning 29th February.
d) Evening Prayer/Reflection. Tuesdays in Lent at 5.15. Based on the theme” into the wilderness” different leaders each week.
e) Lent Retreat 13th to 15th March which will take place in Cumbrae
f) Mothering/Refreshment/ Laetare Sunday. 22nd March
g) Weekday of prayer 6th March 2.00  Parish Church

1.3.  Holy week
a) Palm/passion Sunday 5th April.
b) Evening Prayer reflection 7th 5.15.
c) Maundy Thursday 9th:
1) No 10.00 am service
2) 6.15 shared “Agape “soup and bread
3) 7pm Eucharist at St John’s

1.4.  Good Friday
a) No walk of witnessb) Stations of the Cross 10.00.c) Meditation around the Cross. Possible combination with St. Mary’s

1.5 .  Easter Sunday
a) Dawn/New Light service. 7.00. in the Bandstand
b) Easter Eucharist at 10.00

1.6.  June Pilgrimage Walk and St. Cuthbert’s way.

A Cuthbert’s Way Churches Together working group is in place to develop a Pilgrim’s passport with space to collect stamps and the churches/places that will feature on it.

In June, Bishop Armes will walk with a group of pilgrims from Jedburgh to Hadrian’s wall where they will meet similar groups walking from Carlisle and Newcastle with their bishops. We will provide the lunch on the first day and further volunteers from the Borders Churches will be asked to assist with transport and meals.

The Pilgrim Walk will conclude with a shared ‘Small, Faithful, Rural’ Ministry Conference. Details will be advertised in due course.

1.7.   Jedburgh Summer Retreat
To be confirmed if going ahead.

2.  Outreach  and Ministry

2.1. Safeguarding
Those currently trained are Isobel Portch, Patrick Copsey and Rosemary Wilson. We will need all pastoral carers and home communion visitors to be trained also. It is likely that all Vestry members and ministry leader will be required to have PVG checks and safeguarding training in the future. We await further advice from the next meeting of Synod.

2.2. Calendar
Taking shape.  All further dates welcome.

2.3. Fund Raising
a) The coffee morning was in hand. This year there will be no bric a brac but a gift stall instead.

b) Market Stalls. We would give further thought to participating later in the year.

2.4. Messy Church
This was currently on pause as the organising group meets to review its purpose and resources. The group is considering the best target group and how we might best serve families and children with our limited resources.

2.5. Pastoral Care
The recent pastoral care meeting checked our current visiting and pastoral care needs and renewed the list of those requiring contact and connection.

2.6. Website
Paul Beck and Fr. Andrew are in conversation with James Parsons, the Diocesan Director of Communications, regarding our website which has not been functional for 4 months due to a technical glitch.  A promise was extracted to attend to our difficulty as soon as possible and to keep in contact regarding its progress.

3. Leadership and Governance.

3.1. Borders Clergy Chapter Planning
The SEC clergy in the Borders are continuing to work together to clarify their purpose for gathering and to seek ways in which our churches may work more co-operatively and efficiently particularly regarding administration. The next meeting is due on 5th March.

3.2. Spring Vision 2024 Workshop
This would be better held once the school has moved and Fr Andrew would email with suggested dates.

4.  Stewardship

4.1  January Financial Statement
The figures were examined and the Closing Bank Balance for January was £89121. Fr. Andrew reiterated that £33000 of that figure was spoken for in respect of salary/pension contributions and the Grover Bequest.

The adoption of the statement was proposed by Liz Kiteley and seconded by Elizabeth Martin. The motion was carried.

4.2. 2020 Budget
   (See attached document)   The budget includes the following:

a)  £4000 was estimated to come in from hiring activities
b) £3600 was estimated to come from rent of the rectory.
c)  The other figures were based on the previous year.
d)  Total income is expected to be approximately £39175.

a)  Expenses were once again based on last year.
b)  Provisions for the maintenance of the Rectory £1000, Old            School  £1000 and for salaries and pensions mentioned above.
c) Total expenses were budgeted as approximately £59888 resulting in a closing bank balance of approximately £68000

John Ogilvie proposed the adoption of the Budget for 2019/20 with Adam Bolam – Peel seconding. The motion was carried. Rosemary Wilson abstained.

Fr Andrew will inform the congregation via the pew sheet. A new budget will need to be prepared for the beginning of the 2020/21 Financial year in October.

4.2.3     Accessibility Audit
Fr Andrew tabled the 18-page SEC Accessibility Review Checklist as a way of meeting the requirement outlined in the Quinquennial Review and SEC Accessibility Policy. Adam Bolam-Peel will meet with Fiona Bolam-Peel and Fr Andrew to complete the checklist.

4.3.  Old School

4.3.1. Steering Group
Nothing to report, no meeting as yet

4.3.2. Mrs Hume
Mrs. Katie Hume had been given notice which she had accepted. She and her husband had found other premises and she would move out on the weekend of 14th/15th March. An inspection will then take place to determine what maintenance may be required.

A final report of activities of the JCAC was tabled. See attached. Katie will end her duties as Centre Manager on the 29th February.

4.3.3. Permission to move the PIC into the flat
Permission had been sought from the Bishop for Fr. Andrew to move into the Master’s Flat and rent the Rectory. Unfortunately, he was away on holiday for three weeks, but his opinion would be sought as soon as was possible thereafter.

4.3.4. Purchase White Goods
The purchase of the Cooker, Dishwasher and Washing Machine in place in the Flat from the Hume’s for £350 was approved by flying minute in early February. All are late models and in good condition. Katie has prepared an invoice to be forwarded to the Treasurer.

4.4.  Rectory
Painting was being carried out in the Bathroom. Permission had previously been granted and the expenditure sanctioned. Ian Lees will forward his invoice for the work.

4.5   Building Report
There would be a report to the next vestry.

5.     Any Other Business

5.1. Synod
Rosemary Wilson would report back on the Synod meeting to be held in Edinburgh on the 14th March.

5.2. Duties and liabilities of Vestry members
Rosemary Wilson thanked Vestry for the papers given to her by the Secretary which had proved most helpful.

5.3  Wafers
So far there had been no demand for Gluten Free wafers.

6.1 Date of next meeting

17th March 2020

^ top

Vestry meeting 21st January 2020

A.  Opening Prayer
Revd. Andrew Cooper

B  Apologies
Adam Bolam-Peel and Liz Kiteley

C.  Attendance
The Revd. Andrew Cooper in the chair and Ann Beck, Christine McLachlan, Elizabeth Martin, Isobel Portch. John Ogilvie, Graham Watt and Rosemary Wilson were also present.

D.  Minutes of the meeting on 17th December 2019
The following alterations were proposed :-

a) 4. 2.  After “their costs were increased” add :- “and there had been an incorrect price quoted initially”- then delete the rest of the sentence.
b) 4.3. b) after “valid” Insert “(an appropriate letter had since been sent out)” thereafter they would be asked if they could make an increased contribution and then delete “ if they are able to increase it in the first instance”
c)  5. a) The word “Ministry “ should read “ Mission”.

The motion that these changes be incorporated was proposed by Ann Beck and seconded by John Ogilvie. The motion was passed.

E.  Induction of new member

1.  Worship and Faith formation

1.1. Christmas Services Review
The main events were: – Queen’s Court, Rotary attended our Carol service, the Rectory open house attracted 16 and the Christmas day service was attended by 85. For next year we would hope to work on a family-focussed service perhaps with the Parish Church and we would once again offer Midnight Mass as well as a Christmas Day service.

1.2. Lent and Easter preparation
Fr. Andrew is to meet with the sacristy/liturgy people involved before Ash Wednesday.

1.3. Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday service is to take place at either 10.00 am or 5.30 pm. To be confirmed.

1 4. Lent Group
Lent studies will begin on Friday 6th March in the Bolam-Peel home. There are five studies in all so the last one will be on 3rd April.

1.5. Evening Prayer and Reflection
This will take place on Tuesdays at 5.30 pm.

1.6. Concert
A concert offering Lenten themed music was to be considered some time before Easter. Ted Ferguson would be consulted.

1.7. Holy week arrangements
Arrangements are to be confirmed but the following will be considered following discussion with Rev Una and the liturgy group and confirmed at the next meeting.
– Palm / Passion Sunday on 5th April
– Tuesday the 7th Stations of the cross.
– Maundy Thursday 9th  7. service.
– Good Friday . Walk of witness and Service at 3.00 to be confirmed.
– Easter Evening/ Day. Possible combined dawn or afternoon service- tbc . It would be desirable  to include the Lighting of the new fire

1.8.  Queen’s Court
Seniors’ Service rota with Rev Una alternating monthly with Fr Andrew is now in place.

1.9  Pilgrimage St Cuthbert’s Way
The inter-church group met in the Centre on 7th January. Fr. Andrew is part of a development group to develop a pilgrim passport, including St. John’s, as part of promotion of the walk as more than a pretty ramble.

1.10.  “Small, Faithful, Rural”, authentic rural church, Pilgrim walk and Conference 3rd to 6th June: The Bishops of Newcastle and Carlisle will be walking from opposite ends of Hadrian’s Wall and meeting for a day conference on rural ministry at the Sill National Landscape Discovery Centre. The conference will feature keynote inputs by John Bell of the Iona Community and Bishop James Bell, former Bishop of Ripon and former chair of the Rural Affairs Group of General Synod.

The proposal is that a delegation from the Edinburgh Diocese and the wider SEC, with Bishop John Armes, will walk a route from the Borders through Dere Street and the Pennine way to intersect with the Wall at Vindolanda, then join the Small, Faithful, Rural Conference. Fr. Andrew is part of the working group and liaising with Claire Nicholson who will lead the walkers. It is expected that around 10 people from the diocese will participate. The overall cost including local churches in driving, lunches, and prayer will be around £250 per person.

1.11. Reawakening the Heart Retreat 13th to 15th March
This is a silent retreat, providing space to waste time with God, to step out of the business of doing or over-intellectualising our spiritual lives and to give the heart a nudge. Fr. Andrew will share some of the musings on a few of the lovers of God in the western spiritual tradition, some pathways to prayer and a wee bit of Australiana with lots of opportunity to soak in the special atmosphere of Cumbrae. Participation is invited by the College of the Holy Spirit, Cumbrae, through St. John’s, Princes Street, Edinburgh.

1.12  Jedburgh Summer Retreat
A local retreat might be considered and Fr. Andrew would work on the details.

2. Outreach and Ministry

2.1. Safeguarding

The Vestry watched the video which gave examples of certain types of behaviour and then gave the individual who would be able to help in each example. Policies for each were available from the Diocese. This topic will have to be placed on each agenda of the vestry and of the AGM from hereon in. Those in a position of Trust had to be confirmed and training arranged, initial thoughts were Home communion visitors Elizabeth Martin, Patrick Copsey and Isobel Portch. Ruth Johnson is the current PVG officer but will need to check if she wants to continue in the role.

2.3.  Year Planner
Fr. Andrew was engaged in preparing an event planner for the year ahead. Vestry members were asked to email him with any dates so that the planner would be comprehensive.

Articles for the magazine for the next issue are due 17th February. Print would remain at 100 copies

2.9. Rev. Una Stewart
Fr. Andrew would shortly meet with the Rev Una of the Old Parish Church for a wide-ranging discussion including Jedburgh Churches together.

3. Leadership and Governance

3.1. Chapter
The Borders Clergy “Chapter” intend to have a  reflection day at present tentatively scheduled for February  but the date has still to be confirmed.

3.2. Borders Area Council
The. SEC Borders Area Council Meeting will be held on 2nd March.

3.3. Diocesan Annual Returns
Fr. Andrew has completed the Safeguarding return but the rest will have to be completed by him and the Secretary, thereafter they will report back to the next Vestry meeting.

3.4. Spring workshop for Vision 2024 process.
Date to be discussed at next meeting

4. Stewardship

4.1. Monthly Financial Report
The monthly report was noted. “Grant” had gone back to “0”. There had been a misunderstanding as to the allocation of the clergy conference refund of £160.

4.2.  Gift Aid
The approach had been made to the Gift Aid Donors.

4.3 Grants
An application for grants will be made once a suitable project has been identified.

4.4 Lightning Conductor
The work has been completed at a cost of £750.

4.5. Ecclesiastical Insurance
We have completed all the Risk Management issues.

4.6. Annual Schedule
The Annual Finance schedule was completed in December.

4.7. Christmas Market and raffle
The total takings were £410.80 to date.

4.8. Accessibility Audit
This was a work in progress. Fr. Andrew and Adam Bolam-Peel have had an initial conversation but a date and process still to be determined.

4.9. St John’s Old school (See Document tabled by AC)

4.9.1 Background

The SBC proposals for the site surrounding the church when the school moves out were as yet unclear but would impinge on any decisions relating to the Old School building. It was a valuable asset which presented opportunities and challenges. Any solution must be financially sustainable and preferably contribute funds for St. John’s Church. Any solution must be carefully evaluated.

4.9.2 Issues to be considered
The working group appointed at the last vestry meeting had considered the issues:-
1. There was no clear mechanism for making basic decisions – e.g.  invoicing of JOSC, and for dealing with day to day maintenance issues.
2. There was further research and study that had to be done before taking a long-term decision. An interim decision was desirable. A valuation of the Old School Building was necessary and the feasibility of sale and rental of the School and of the “master’s flat” had to be ascertained.
3. The JOSC will reduce its hours and then withdraw at the end of the school year. Cash flow is needed to cover outgoings. However up to 1st December the income was £2568, and outgoings were £2028 covering power costs and building insurance.
4. The current arrangement with the centre management is cash neutral but does not make full use of the asset- the “master’s flat” A two bedroom flat in Jedburgh fetches around £425 per month and four bedrooms around £600 to £650 per month.

4.9.3 Motions
The following motions were therefore required to put the above appropriate action under way.
1. To appoint a Steering Group consisting of Fr. Andrew  Isobel Portch and Liz Kiteley to take day to day decisions, approve minor maintenance works and report to and advise the Vestry of important issues.  The level of expenditure of the Group to be agreed at the next Vestry meeting. The motion was proposed by Elizabeth Martin and seconded by John Ogilvie. The motion was passed.
2. To appoint Isobel Portch as the Centre Coordinator to liaise with the Steering Group reporting monthly on JCAC  activity and handle all aspects of administration and maintenance.  To appoint a cleaner who would do all cleaning tasks and who would report to the Coordinator. The motion was proposed by John Ogilvie and seconded by Elizabeth Martin. The motion was passed.
3. To give Katie Hume one month’s notice of the termination of her tenancy and duties as Manager. The motion was proposed by Elizabeth Martin and seconded by Rosemary Wilson and it was unanimously approved.
4. To give Fr. Andrew authority to approach the Bishop on all these plans and specifically for authority for him to move into the “Master’s flat” and to sublet the Rectory. The motion was proposed by John Ogilvie and seconded by Elizabeth Martin.
5. To sanction the move of Fr. Andrew to the “Master’s flat” if the proposal is agreed by the Bishop. The motion was proposed by Rosemary Wilson and seconded by Isobel Portch.
6. To revisit the above motions in 6 months. The proposal was proposed by Ann Beck and seconded by Rosemary Wilson. The motion was carried.

5. Any other business

5.1. Defibrillator
Fr. Andrew reported that the defibrillator supported by St John’s installed outside the Spar shop on the hill had been used on a pedestrian who had collapsed. It is functioning again after repair.

6. Next Meeting
The next meeting would be on 18th February

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Vestry meeting 17th December 2019

A.    Opening Prayer
Elizabeth Martin

B.    Apologies
Adam Bolam-Peel

C.   Attendance
The Rev. Andrew Cooper in the chair and Liz Kiteley, Christine McLachlan, Elizabeth Martin, Isobel Portch, John Ogilvie, Ann Beck, Graham Watt and Rosemary Wilson were also present.

D.   Minutes of the meeting on 19th November 2019
a) In Clause 2.6 after “anything cooked” insert ‘Competition was also a factor”
b) In Clause 4.7 substitute  the following – “We will be up to date once the lighting repair completed”
c) In Clause 4.8.2 Insert after ‘there was’ more money to come in the form of a rebate from the Insurance Company.

Isobel Portch proposed that these changes be incorporated  and John Ogilvie seconded the motion which was approved unanimously.

E.   Welcome of new Vestry members
Fr. Andrew welcomed Rosemary Wilson to the vestry and said he was sure that with her experience she would make a valuable contribution to the Vestry’s deliberations. Adam Bolam-Peel was unable to attend but he would be welcomed at the first opportunity.

The Secretary handed Rosemary Wilson a guide to the duties and conduct of vestry members for her information. A Declaration form for her completion would follow shortly.

1.   Worship and Faith Formation

1.1   Arrangements around Christmas
Fr. Andrew intimated that he was holding open house on Christmas Eve from 5.30 -8.30 pm with evening prayer at 6pm. The service on Christmas day at 10.00am would follow the established pattern.

1.2. RSCM
The choir had been consulted and it was considered valuable to continue our membership. The Treasurer was therefore instructed to pay the £107 that was due.

2.  Outreach and Ministry

2.1.  Safeguarding
There will be a training meeting on 11th January in Edinburgh and we should see the video that has been produced at our January meeting

2.2.  Aberlour
We had had an excellent presentation from Jessica Entwistle.Ann Beck would collect all the envelopes and forward to Aberlour. Cheques need to be made out to ‘‘Aberlour Options Borders” or funds to be used in the Borders.

2.3. Christmas Stall
There was confusion with early arrangements as we had been allocated a stall in Abbey Place but eventually we set up in the High Street in an inferior and cramped site third from the bottom alongside craft stalls.  We had good sales particularly the Lucky Dip and the raffle which was mounted with higher value items donated by Ted Ferguson. The stock left over will be presented for sale in the church porch on 22nd December. Sales were a vary commendable £240 on the day. Points to note for next year :-

a) We needed a roster to avoid people having a long stint in cold weather. A session from 11.00 to 2.00 was just too long
b) lack of availability of hot food items like mulled wine and possibly hot dogs was discussed – a query re sale of food items which may be dependent on Hygiene Regulations which should be checked for interpretation.
c) There could be more emphasis on a raffle which could circulate over December and be drawn around Christmas.
Isobel Portch and her helpers were thanked for all their efforts which had produced such splendid results and positive directions for the future.    

3.  Leadership and Governance

3. 1. Bishop’s visit to the Border’s Clergy ‘Chapter’
The Border clergy had met on 4th December with the Bishop in the JCAC, the only absentee being the PiC of the Berwickshire Churches. The proceedings were informal as the ‘Chapter’ is not a formally constituted mechanism in the SEC. Participants expressed the view that this could be a valuable forum, but there was diversity in opinion as to the needs of the region in terms of shared ministry and the role of gathering in this way.  The Bishop listened and suggested that the group could shape its own pathway and purpose and that gatherings of various forms were forming across the diocese. The participants agreed to meet again possibly in February.

4.  Stewardship

4.1.  Monthly Figures
Liz Kiteley proposed their adoption with John Ogilvie seconding . The proposal was adopted unanimously.

4.2.  2020 Budget
The printing of the magazine which was now printed by the Diocese and their budgeted figure seemed high. Their costs were increased, and there had been an incorrect price quoted initially. It was remitted to the magazine committee to examine.Fr Andrew distributed a discussion paper (attached) and a draft budget. (attached).

Some issues discussed:

– The Draft Budget proposes a planned deficit of £18233. Income was £42665 and expenses were £60888 leading to the deficit stated for the year.
– The bulk of the planned deficit would come from savings. The bank balance therefore reduced from £90441 to £68000.
– A large proportion of the planned deficit is due to previously approved works required by the Quinquennial Review. These have to be carried out within the 5 years and are tackled in order of urgency.
– The other portion of the Planned deficit to be covered by savings is the 30% of the PIC Stipend and Pension contribution due to come from our saving each year  for the duration of the PIC contract.
– We were also faced with a decline in active  Membership. All this means that the we will be unable to meet our commitments from current income.

The ways in which this picture might  be mitigated were seen to be as follows :-

a) A targeted Time Limited Stewardship Drive
To ask those on fixed incomes to give more would be difficult but they could be encouraged to review their givings in light of COL. However there are always pockets of generosity that could be tapped. A goal of raising £3500 in the current year could be attainable.

b) External Funding Grant Applications
We should actively seek external sources of funding for capital works to care for our listed buildings. This is a time and people consuming exercise, but grants are there.

c) Possible rental of one of our residences.

4. 3. Vestry Decisions
a)Agreed that the figure of £1000 should be left out of the budget meantime but will be reviewed each quarter when there hopefully will be offsetting cash inflows.

b) That instead of a Stewardship drive, those currently listed as eligible for gift aid should be gently asked if their contribution was still valid (an appropriate letter had since been sent out). Thereafter they would be asked if they could make an increased contribution, rather than approaching the congregation for a targeted time-limited Stewardship Drive

c)  It was agreed that the budget should be discussed in reference to the future management of the JCAC and how that might impact on the possibility of renting one of our properties.

d)   Motion  It was proposed that a working group be formed comprising Fr. Andrew, Liz Kiteley and Isobel Portch to take forward all the issues raised at this meeting. The motion was proposed by John Ogilvie and seconded by Rosemary Wilson. The motion was carried unanimously.

5.   Any Competent Business
a)  Thanks had been received from Simon and Grace Stretton-Downes from Serving In Mission. (F Andrew suggested) Ann Beck would read their letter out the congregation on Sunday.
b)  A Christmas card with Best Wishes had been received from Una Stewart, locum minister from Trinity and Old Parish.
c)  Ralph Nagel, who maintains our grounds, was delighted with his Christmas gift. He was still refusing payment for his services.
d) The Christmas tree had once again been donated by The Hon. Moira Campbell and erected by Gerard and Sally Henry. A thank you note will be sent by Gerard and a Christmas Card from Fr Andrew.

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