Vestry minutes 2023 – 2024

Minutes of meetings since the December 2023 AGM.
Minutes are added only after they have been approved (and, if necessary, amended) at the following meeting.

20 December 2023 | 24 January 2024 | 28 February 2024 | 2 April 2024 | 8 May 2024 | 12 June 2024 | 31 July 2024 | 4 September | 23 October | 27 November

Previous year:
2022 – 2023 minutes

Wednesday 27th November 2024 in the Old School

A.       Opening Prayer

B.       Apologies
Revd. Andi Hofbauer (Chair) (AH), Gerard Henry (GH)

C.       Participants
John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor) (JO), Adam Bolam-Peel (ABP), Graeme Ritchie (GR), Edward Martin (EM), Steve McLachlan (SM), Paul Beck (Administrator) (PB).

JO agreed to act as Chair in AH’s absence.

D.       Minutes of meeting Wednesday 23rd October 2024: accepted unanimously as a true record (proposed EM, seconded ABP).

1            Safeguarding

1.1     PVG
Nothing to report to Vestry

1.2     Health and Safety
Nothing to report to Vestry

1.3     Data Protection
Nothing to report to Vestry

2            Worship and faith formation

2.1     Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc

2.2     Services
The Eucharist for the Epiphany (5th January) will be a joint service at St. Cuthbert’s.

2.3     Faith formation
The four-week Advent Course starts on Thursday 28th November after midweek communion.

3            Outreach and ministry

3.1     Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
We are asked to add Syd Farquharson’s name to the Remembrance book. Paul will find out if the calligrapher we used in 2023 is still operating.

AH, SM and other members of the congregation have now decorated our entry for the Christmas Tree Festival.

3.2     Mission Statement
Delivered to the Diocese.

3.3     Pastoral care
Nothing to report to Vestry

3.4        Community Engagement  
Nothing to report to Vestry

4         Leadership and governance

4.1     Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc

4.2     AGM arrangements, Sunday 15th December
JO has prepared the Building Convenor’s report for the AGM. Reports from AH, PB and GR will be needed for the week before the meeting. ABP and GH will not stand for re-election. GR (co-opted in August as Treasurer) will stand for election. Members of the congregation are being sounded out, but there is not apparently a rush to fill the empty chairs. PB (co-opted as Administrator after the 2023 AGM) will not stand for election and would only serve in a co-opted administrative capacity again if other tasks were removed.

5            Stewardship

5.1     Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
We still await room hire invoices from the Cheviot Youth treasurer.

Lesley Thomson (examining our accounts) alerted us to the double payment of our January 2024 stipend and pension contribution because of incorrect information from RBS. A refund was requested on 29th October from the Diocese.

PB will print labels for the Advent appeal envelopes.

5.2        Financials

a.        Annual accounts for approval
Vestry unanimously approved the final accounts (proposed JO, seconded EM).

Commenting on them, GR noted that giving, gift aid, rent support[1] and interest only just covers running costs. We rely heavily on the stipend support grant from the Diocese, which is due to be reviewed in 2026. He proposes to re-issue Gift Aid declaration forms in the new year to update the information we hold and to encourage givers to increase their standing orders.

We observed that pre-Covid fundraising activities (coffee mornings, etc) had never restarted and wondered if there is now a sustainable way of holding such events with our reduced numbers.

b.        Treasurer’s report GR
The bank balance at the end of October was £109,792.

GR has been added as an account signatory. Next, he will pursue with RBS the move to digital banking.

c.        Old School – financial aspects (GR and JO)
Rental income and maintenance outgoings are evenly balanced. Work on the roof identified in the QQR will make it a financial liability unless there is grant funding.

We should consider the option of selling it: the Diocese confirms we could apply for permission to do that, in which case the proceeds of sale would be held in trust for approved expenditure by Vestry.

We noted, however, that (1) the commercial value will be affected by its poor access and limited parking, and (2) tenants in situ have much stronger rights than they did when we entered into the rental agreements.

JO described correspondence and a meeting with Heather McFadzean (Cheviot Youth). Cheviot Youth is concerned about damp in the downstairs room. We noted this has not been used – or heated – for some time. The only use of the building at present is for Pilates classes and Vestry meetings.

Cheviot Youth trustees say the charity is not now able to rent the whole building and proposes to rent the upstairs room only.  However, “downsizing” is not achievable under our lease agreement. Initial advice from the Diocese is that we should not discuss any restructuring of the lease before more legal advice is taken.

The complexity of any restructuring and then of managing the relationship with Cheviot Youth and those who presently hire rooms from them as separate tenants of St. John’s strengthens the case for selling the building, giving our tenants notice when the ‘break date’ in the Cheviot Youth agreement is reached.

Our other tenant has a monthly rental agreement with no term.

JO and GR are to seek a meeting with the Buildings Committee’s consulting member, Paul Goode, JO giving a holding reply in the meantime.

5.3        Buildings

a.        Church
Vestry thanked SM for his research and presentation of the options for providing a toilet. There was further discussion and we decided that even the most economical temporary options are unexpectedly expensive. Doing it properly and permanently would not be a stand-alone project. We agreed to take no action now, and to reconsider toilet provision as part of the larger accessibility project.

Work on the construction of ramps is in progress. That cost will be met from bequests.

The planned work on the churchyard trees was delayed because roadwork traffic restrictions prevented the contractor parking his equipment outside the church wall. JO will rearrange with the contractor.

JO will apply for Canon 35 permission for pew removal when designs are received.

PB raised the question of low-level background heating in winter, noting a lot of condensation down the inside walls. We will add this subject to the advice we seek from Paul Goode.

b.        Rectory
Buildings insurance has been renewed (50% refund to come to us from Hawick).

JO met a planning consultant about replacing windows at the back of the Rectory, for which the opinion is that UPVC will be acceptable to Scottish Borders Council. Conservation-compliant replacement glazing is certain to be required at the front. Applications will be made, and grants investigated.  

c.        Old School
(5.2.c above)

d.        Flat
Nothing to report to Vestry.

6            Declarations of interest

7         Other business
reported on a satisfactory site meeting with the SBC architect and the demolition contractor before work began.

He has subsequently written to SBC to raise again the issue of the playground behind the Old School in light of the intention to fence off the development site when demolition is complete. As shown on its notification and site plans, SBC’s fencing would create a sizeable “no-man’s-land” area that the Council owns but cannot access to maintain, including the playground. Continued ambiguity about St. John’s title boundary could complicate any sale of the Old School.

8         Next meetings
Sunday 15th  December
– St. John’s AGM, after morning service. There will be Vestry vacancies. Formal notice of the AGM has to go out by Sunday 1st December, but accounts and written reports can go out in the week before the meeting electronically and be distributed on paper on the day. Regular Vestry meeting on Wednesday 22nd January.

[1] £350 pcm from St. Cuthbert’s to compensate for 50% of our lost Rectory rental.


Wednesday 23rd October 2024 in the Old School

A.       Opening Prayer

B.       Apologies
Steve McLachlan (SM)

C.       Participants
Revd. Andi Hofbauer (Chair) (AH), John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor) (JO), Adam Bolam-Peel (ABP), Graeme Ritchie (GR).Edward Martin (EM), Gerard Henry (GH), Paul Beck (Administrator) (PB).

D.       Minutes of meeting Wednesday 4th September 2024 – accepted unanimously as a true record. Proposed JO, seconded GH.

1            Safeguarding

1.1        PVG
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.2        Health and Safety
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.3        Data Protection
Nothing to report to Vestry.

2            Worship and faith formation

2.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
PB reported a call from Rod Fay (Food Bank Treasurer) thanking us for approximately £150 in Harvest cash donations as well as the food items delivered on the day.

2.2        Services
Non-routine services confirmed:
Saturday 2nd November 10.00am – All Souls Eucharist (said)
Sunday 10th November 09.30am – Communion from the Reserved Sacrament (said)

St. John’s Christmas services confirmed:
Sunday 22nd December 3.00pm – Carol Service (to be organised with Rotary)
Wednesday 25th December – 10.00am Sung Eucharist
Thursday 26th December – 10.00am St. Stephen’s
Saturday 28th December – 10.00am Holy Innocents
Sunday 29th December 10.00am – Sung Eucharist (John, Apostle and Evangelist, transferred)   

2.3        Faith formation
The Old School upper room is booked for four weekly Advent Course sessions starting Thursday 28th November after midweek service. AH proposed it should be based on the book “They Sang” (the four songs in the Christmas story) by Amy Scott Robinson, and will discuss arrangement with PB and Susan Macdonald.

3            Outreach and ministry

3.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
AH has met Sarah Cook, probationer at Jedburgh and Oxnam Parish, and discussed joint activities, initially: Messy Church at Kenmore Hall on Saturday 14th December and a school service at the Parish Church on Friday 20th December. Andi will take part. Some input from our congregation is also needed. It is hoped that youth-orientated work will continue next year.

A Christmas Tree Festival at the Parish Church in the week 9th – 14th December has been proposed (to be confirmed).  

3.2        Mission Statement
With one small revision concerning the Old School, The Mission Statement and Targets document was agreed unanimously for submission to Dean Frances (pr. AH, sec. ABP). It is a document we expect to revisit and revise.

3.3        Pastoral care
AH will contact the families of Hon. Moyra Campbell and Syd Farquharson to find out if they want their names added to the memorial book.

3.4        Community Engagement
We agreed that St. John’s should plan to have a stall at the High Street market in 2025.  

4         Leadership and governance

4.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc

5            Stewardship

5.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
The Cheviot Youth treasurer says she will calculate and issue the three outstanding invoices for Vestry meetings in the Old School.

5.2        Financials

a.           Treasurer’s report (GR)
The bank balance for the end of September was £107,816. Figures for the whole financial year were circulated with commentary from GR, together with the ‘Profit and Loss’ sheet comparing 2024 with 2023.

Regular giving is fairly static. GR suggests re-issuing Gift Aid forms (a) to make sure declarations are up to date and (b) to encourage members to think about increasing their standing orders.

The annual accounts will now go to our Independent Examiner. We expect to be able to approve them by late November.

GR proposes to start work on setting a Budget once the annual accounts are signed off.

We agreed to raise funds for three causes in the coming financial year: an Advent Appeal for two local causes – Aberlour Respite Care (St. Boswells) and Wilf’s Place (Hawick) – and a Lent Appeal for an international cause. Once we have a Budget, we agreed to consider this against other fund-raising methods. 

Vestry agreed to instruct RBS to amend the banking mandate to add GR as an Authorised Signatory to St. John’s current account 83-23-14 | 00279967. JO will initiate the online process.

5.3        Buildings

a.           Church
Richard Elliott (“Dr. Green”) will tackle the front yews and other churchyard trees in the week beginning 28th October.

Having established that Canon 35 approval is not necessary, we agreed that work on the metal access ramps will proceed.

John Oliver has offered a round-figure estimate for the first stage of clearing the area behind the font, removing pews and creating a larger level platform. We agreed to fund this from bequests, reserving grant applications for more costly projects. JO will ask for designs so that a Canon 35 application can be made. We agreed to postpone consideration of the estimate for a wooden door to the vestry.

In SM’s absence, his scoping paper on the provision of toilet facilities was circulated and initial thoughts offered. We expressed our gratitude to SM for researching and setting out the options, and agreed to return to the topic after studying the paper individually.

JO reported back favourably on courses he has attended on church maintenance and grant funding.

PB has provided 2023 fuel consumption figures for the SEC’s “Net Zero footprint” in respect of the Church, Old School and Flat.

JO has received secondary glazing estimates from InvisiTherm in Perth. For the Rectory, it appears to be a cheaper option than conservation-compliant replacement glazing, though JO awaits the architect’s verdict on requirements for the windows at the back of the building before we agree to proceed.

Demolition of the adjoining Grammar School site has begun, with the intention of removing the two buildings on the north-east side of Pleasance, levelling and fencing off that part of the site by Christmas. PB reported meeting the SBC Project Architect, Gordon Brown and the contact from Central Demolition, Scott Cochran: there is no work at weekends and we will be able to negotiate a pause for events like funerals.

Douglas Scott has identified roofing slates to be replaced, and will visit again to examine the finials.  

b.           Rectory
AH reported that the doorbell has not yet been repaired.

c.           Old School
The Youth Work Manager for Cheviot Youth, Heather McFadzean, has asked for a further meetingabout their use of the Old School. JO will attend and report back.

We agreed to postpone consideration of John Oliver’s estimate for boarding up the connecting door to the Flat.

d.           Flat
               Nothing to report

6            Declarations of interest

7            Other business
JO passed on information about an Ecclesiastical Insurance offer on home insurance, including a grant to the church if our members take it up. To be circulated.

GH demonstrated the “shoebox appeal” he is contributing to, and will provide information we can pass on to members of the congregation. The Parish Church is one of the collection hubs.

8            Next meetings
Wednesday 27th November at 7.00pm Sunday 15th  December – St. John’s AGM, after morning service. There will be Vestry vacancies. Formal notice of the AGM has to go out by Sunday 1st December, but accounts and written reports can go out later.


Wednesday 4th September 2024 in the Old School

A.       Opening Prayer

B.       Apologies
Adam Bolam-Peel (ABP), Graeme Ritchie (GR).

C.       Participants
Revd. Andi Hofbauer (Chair) (AH), John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor) (JO), Steve McLachlan (SM), Edward Martin (EM), Gerard Henry (GH), Paul Beck (Administrator) (PB).

D.       Minutes of meeting Wednesday 31st July 2024
Adopted unanimously as a true record (proposed EM, seconded: JO).

1            Safeguarding

1.1        PVG
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.2        Health and Safety
Nothing to report to Vestry.

1.3        Data Protection
Nothing to report to Vestry.

2            Worship and faith formation

2.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc

2.2        Services
We are using the SEC’s Creationtide eucharistic material during September.

Harvest will be celebrated on 15th September, with donations again invited for the Food Bank. Details to be announced and publicised on the pew sheet.

Arrangements are confirmed for our next joint service and joint Vestry meeting with Hawick on 29th September.  

2.3        Faith formation
AH reported that the eight Beatitudes study sessions following our midweek service went very well, attracting between 8 and 14 participants  from St. John’s and from the Parish Church. Vestry agreed that the next course should be on four Thursdays in Advent.
Action: AH to discuss suitable material with PB and Susan Macdonald; PB to see whether we could book a room at the Old School.   

3            Outreach and ministry

3.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
AH has arranged to meet Sarah Cook, newly-appointed probationer at Jedburgh and Oxnam Parish, to discuss how we can work together.

3.2        Mission Statement
(Discussion deferred by agreement to the next Vestry meeting.)

3.3        Pastoral care
Eight people came to the recent house communion hosted by Joan Hodges in Ancrum.

3.4        Community Engagement
AH reported that the Tour of Britain stage through Jedburgh gave her more good opportunities for getting to know Jedburgh folk informally. Her article in the Jed Eye definitely raised her profile, and the magazine has asked her to write another.

4         Leadership and governance

4.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
Cloud file-sharing access to Vestry files at has been set so that all Vestry members can see the material and office holders can add or amend the material for which they are responsible. PB gave out a chart to explain the structure and asked everyone to try it out and report any problems.

5            Stewardship

5.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
Taits, Solicitors in Kelso, have written to advise that Joan Stafford-Badger, late of St. John’s congregation, has left £500 to St. John’s in her will. The letter has been forwarded to GR to liaise with Taits.

Changes of personnel at Cheviot Youth temporarily disrupted the room booking arrangements for St. John’s Vestry meetings. These are now working again, but there are outstanding invoices for two evening meetings and the joint meeting with Hawick Vestry on 30th June (5 hours’ hire in total).

5.2        Financials

a.          Treasurer’s report (GR)
The bank balance at the end of July was £100,698 (cf. £99,523 at the end of June).

GR sent a report covering his discussions with Sue Bennett and other matters. He made recommendations on digital banking, methods of authorisation, Gift Aid paperwork, and the membership register: Vestry agreed that he needs to be present for a proper discussion, so these were deferred (though we will proceed as soon as possible with adding him as a bank account signatory). He recommended that we continue using Galbraiths as letting agents for the flat – whilst there is a significant cost, the benefits outweigh it. Vestry agreed.

£300 is still to come from the funeral director in respect of the memorial service for Moyra Campbell.

5.3        Buildings

a.          Church
JO confirmed that Richard Elliott (“Dr. Green”) has the go-ahead to proceed with trimming and felling trees in the churchyard.

SM presented a sketch from George Waugh of non-permanent metal access ramps. It was proposed that, provided Canon 35 permission is not needed, Vestry should proceed with 1:12 ramps with handrails, one outside and one inside the porch, preserving access to the choir loft. This was agreed unanimously (proposed PB, seconded GH).
Action: JO to check with Buildings Committee that we will not need permission.

SM summarised our toilet options: permanent installation, requiring connection to the main sewer; up-market “Portaloo” (buy or rent), requiring emptying; or a composting toilet. All options would also need electricity and water.
Action: SM to send links to more information before the next meeting.

We will have members in attendance at the webinars organised by the Provincial Net Zero team on 19th September and 3rd October. Separately, JO will attend a course in Perth about church maintenance.

A contractor will survey the church windows to give an estimate for the cost of interior secondary glazing.

Grammar School site – PB has had some correspondence with SBC Technical Services: they say construction is expected to begin “around September 2024” and that they will be in touch with more detailed information for neighbours of the site.

JO has chased once more the roofing contractor engaged to inspect the Church and Old School slates following the recommendations in the quinquennial inspection report.

Olivers (joiners) are due to visit the church to advise on pew removal and the Old School to advise on the redesign of the front doors.

b.          Rectory
JO is investigating whether conservation area planning restrictions apply to the window and door replacement at the rear of the Rectory. The secondary glazing contractor visiting the church will also advise on the suitability of this approach for the front Rectory windows and for our other buildings.

c.           Old School
PB has still not had a reply from the Buildings Committee Convenor about our power to sell the Old School at the end of the tenancy and to use the proceeds, so has written to the Diocesan Secretary to find out who to ask.

JO has asked for an estimate for insulating/draughtproofing the connecting door between the Old School and the rear entrance to the Flat.

d.          Flat
(Secondary glazing– see above)

6            Declarations of interest

7            Other business
Local SEC clergy are to encourage congregations to attend the evening Advent Carol Service at Holy Trinity, Melrose on 1st December.

8         Next meetings

Sunday 29th September –     joint meeting with Hawick Vestry at St. Cuthbert’s.

Wednesday 23rd October –   St. John’s Vestry meeting, 7.00pm in the Old School.

Sunday 15th  December –      St. John’s AGM, after morning service.

Sunday 22nd December –      proposed date for evening Carol Service in conjunction with Jedburgh Rotary.
Action: PB to contact them.


Wednesday 31st July 2024 in the Church

A.       Opening Prayer
B.       Apologies
C.       Participants
Revd. Andi Hofbauer (Chair) (AH), Adam Bolam-Peel (ABP), John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor) (JO), Steve McLachlan (SM), Edward Martin (EM), Gerard Henry (GH), Paul Beck (Administrator) (PB), Graeme Ritchie (GR).

D.       Minutes of meeting Wednesday 12th June 2024
Approved as a true record (proposed EM, seconded SM, unanimous).

E.       Membership
Vestry voted (i) to co-opt GR as a member and (ii) to appoint him Treasurer (proposed EM, seconded ABP, unanimous).

1            Safeguarding
1.1        PVG
Nothing to report
1.2        Health and Safety
Nothing to report
1.3        Data Protection
Nothing to report

2         Worship and faith formation
2.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
AH reported that the Thursday morning study sessions on the Beatitudes (with between eight and twelve in attendance, including folk from St. Cuthbert’s, Oxnam Kirk and the Parish Church) are going very well. We will discuss a possible course in the Autumn to go with the Season of Creation.

2.2        Services
The following dates were confirmed: 15th September for Harvest at Jedburgh; 29th September for the next joint service – this time at St. Cuthbert’s at 10.30am, followed by a joint Vestry meeting.

3         Outreach and ministry
3.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
We are now subscribed to a “Business Starter” account with, giving us 100GB of cloud storage and various levels of access for filesharing for between 3 and 10 users. As a UK charity, authenticated though an application to Charity Digital, we have this account free of charge. It would otherwise cost £6 per month per user.

3.2        Mission Statement
After a long discussion of wording and options, we agreed that PB and AH will produce and circulate a new version incorporating the ideas expressed.

3.3        Pastoral care
There was a good response to the Rectory ‘open house’, with about 20 attending, including some on our congregational roll who do not usually attend services.

3.4        Community Engagement
AH’s participation in the Kirking of the Callant at the Parish Church service – preaching and sharing the leadership – was very well received.

4         Leadership and governance
4.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc

5            Stewardship
5.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
The Diocesan Office has sent a letter to Treasurers explaining that charges will not after all have to pay a fee for entries in the new Register of Controlling Interests in Land. The cost (which would have been £250 for each of our three properties) is being covered centrally thanks to the unexpectedly low uptake of a Stipend Support Grant offered last November.  

5.2        Clergy Conference
The annual Clergy Conference will take place in Pitlochry on 4th – 7th  November. The financial contribution from charges is £310. We agreed to split this with St. Cuthbert’s.

5.3        Financials
a.          Reports
The bank balance at the end of June was £99523 (cf. £98999 at the end of May).

b.          Treasurer
GR led a discussion of future options, emphasising the importance of forecasting and advocating the change to digital banking.

Vestry agreed:
1. to authorise GR (i) to proceed with a digital banking application to RBS and (ii) to discuss financial reporting and monitoring with our bookkeeper, Sue Bennett;

2. that we should retain the need for two authorisations for payments over £250 (retaining the chequebook for such transactions unless digital banking can offer an equivalent method that is not too complicated);

3. to add GR as a cheque signatory.  

(Proposed JO, seconded AH, unanimous).

5.4        Buildings
a.          Church
JO summarised three quotations for work on the trees in the churchyard. Vestry agreed to go with the ‘Dr. Green’ quotation from Richard Elliott but to leave the yews at the back of the church untouched for the moment (proposed AH, seconded ABP, unanimous).

SM presented an estimate from George Waugh for semi-permanent metal wheelchair ramps to the inner porch as a (much cheaper) alternative to the permanent stonework design from the architect.
Action: AH to enquire about any necessary permissions. Plans or other visualisations would probably be needed to apply for these or for grant funding.

SM, with reference to a Scottish Water asset plan, reported on the positioning of mains sewage pipes in the road and the likely cost of connection from a toilet, which could be up to £40,000.
Action: SM and JO to continue to explore options.  

JO and PB reported on a conversation at the church with Neil Rawlins from the SEC Net Zero team, who had given some suggestions to follow up on insulation, solar power and storage. Ecclesiastical exemption from listed building consent may apply to external alterations.

JO has uploaded a chart of the schedule of buildings inspection to the shared ‘Buildings’ folder.

PB reported on new arrangements to replace the cleaning rota so that one person would not be expected to carry out all the cleaning tasks in their allocated week. More volunteers are needed.

b.          Rectory
JO is to follow up the back window and door replacement with Thermoglaze.

c.           Old School
JO and AH had met the Chair of Cheviot Youth, Gail Stephenson on 16th July. The charity remains committed to working in Jedburgh but uses the Old School less than it had expected and has concerns about the running costs because of recent problems with grant funding. Gail has accepted that the Lease cannot be terminated as early as they originally proposed in correspondence back in April.

Gail described problems with draught from an unused, locked, door and with disabled access through the double doors at the main entrance.

It does not appear practical for St. John’s to exclusively re-occupy any part of the building in return for a rent reduction.
Action: John to reply offering what help we can and passing on suggestions about Jedburgh community groups in need of space.

PB has not yet had a reply from the Buildings Committee Convenor about our power to sell the Old School at the end of the tenancy and to use the proceeds. 

d.          Flat
Sally, our tenant, queries the value of using the managing agents at a cost of 12.5% of the monthly rent. We agreed that we could make a saving by dealing directly with her, but we probably have a contract with the agents during the term of the lease agreement.
Action: JO to read the agreement and any correspondence to check the position.

6            Declarations of interest

7         Other business
PB will contact SBC for confirmation of the start date for demolition of the Grammar School buildings.

8            Date of next meetings
(No meeting in August)
Wednesday 4th September.
Sunday 29th September – joint meeting with Hawick Vestry


Wednesday 12th June in the Old School

A.       Opening Prayer
Opening prayer was led by Andi.

B.       Apologies
John Ogilvie

C. Participants
Revd. Andi Hofbauer (Chair), Adam Bolam-Peel, Steve McLachlan, Edward Martin, Gerard Henry, Paul Beck.

D.       Minutes of meeting Wednesday 8th May 2024
Proposed (EM), seconded (PB), unanimously accepted as a true record.

1            Safeguarding

1.1     PVG
Nothing to report.

1.2     Health and Safety
Nothing to report

1.3     Data Protection
Nothing to report

2         Worship and faith formation

2.1     Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
Nothing to report

2.2 Services
We replaced the Gradual hymn with a Gospel Alleluia during Eastertide.
Now using only 1 reading, Psalm and Gospel. Both seemed to have worked well.
We have 2 new Chalice Bearers, Pat Driver and Ros Lehany, and Ros is also on the intercessions rota and acting as a reader. Andi to arrange licensing by Bishop John.
30th June will be a joint service at St. John’s.
29th September will be a joint service at St Cuthbert’s.

2.3 Study Course
A Summer study group has been arranged for eight Thursday mornings in July and August to follow midweek communion after a short coffee break: July 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th and August 1st, 15th, 22nd and 29th.
We will have access to the downstairs toilets in the Old School. Andi has arranged booklets.

3         Outreach and ministry

3.1 Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
A reminder we all need to review the draft Mission Statement and Targets document. Ideally we’d like to submit this by the end of July. Andi to circulate electronically. We could also discuss it at the joint vestry meeting with St Cuthbert’s.

Paul has looked into a Microsoft Business account. We would need to change our official email address and register a domain. Another option could be a shared cloud storage folder. Paul to look in more detail.

3.2 Pastoral care
Andi has had some responses to the open house invitation from members who don’t regularly attend, which is encouraging.

3.3 Community Engagement
Andi has met Richard Gordon to plan the Kirking of the Callant – Sunday 7th July at 6.30 pm in Queen Mary’s Garden, weather permitting.

The Parish Church has completed its grouping with the other churches enabling them to move forward with calling a minister.

4         Leadership and governance

4.1 Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc

Graeme Ritchie suggests taking up the Treasurer post effectively from 1st August. He will be back in Jedburgh from mid-July but will need time before then to discuss with Sue Bennett how the bookkeeping works, and read notes from Paul on the administrative side of our dealings with HMRC, OSCR and the Pensions Regulator. We agreed to make his appointment at our July meeting.

4.2 Joint Vestry on 30th June

Ideas to discuss: the Mission Statements, administrative matters and a review of how things are going with reference to the Memorandum of Agreement.

5            Stewardship

5.1     Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
None arising.

5.2     Financials

a.        Reports
The bank balance at the end of May was £98999 ( cf. £100855 at the end of April).

5.2     Buildings

a.        Church
A tour of the building was held on 12th May to review the Quinquennial Inspection Report.

(from JO):
A Quote for trimming yews was obtained from Dr Green. He has quoted separately for the yews at the front, back and end of the church totalling £1180, and another contact, Johnny Watson suggested by Edward is arranging to visit the church to discuss and provide an alternative quote.

The Electric heater switch in the vestry has been changed to a single socket for the kettle.

Steven McLachlan is kindly liaising with a sheet metal worker about other wheelchair access options.

JS Harkin and a roofing contractor, Douglas Scott, visited the church and Old School on 5th June to review high level quinquennial works. Mike Harkin took many drone photos of the finial crosses and thought their condition is good apart from a bit of pointing that is required on the middle cross. Dougie Scott, who has worked in the roof previously, has quoted £595 for doing an assessment of the church roof and a similar sum for the old school roof to provide a list of detailed works to be costed by him and Harkins who’ll have to provide some scaffolding. He’ll double check the finials.

Vestry approved this expenditure (proposed SM, seconded AH, passed unanimously.

Steve has started to look at options for a toilet and has started to produce a scoping document.

b.  Rectory

(from JO):
Rear windows and door: planning could be an issue. Thermoglaze, the installer of choice, could deal with this issue. It might be worth starting the process with them before submitting a grant application to the Diocese once we know whether (cheaper) PVCu products are acceptable to the planners. We agreed it was a good idea to ask Thermoglaze to investigate the planning issue.

c.   Old School

Gail Stevenson (Cheviot Youth) has replied accepting the legal position in respect of lease termination as set out in our email of 28th April. We have suggested a meeting to find out how we and they could help each other. Vestry agreed that John, Paul and Andi will attend the meeting to explore why Cheviot Youth were looking to terminate the lease.

Paul will explore the details around the ownership of the building through the Diocese.

d.  Flat

Front door lock fixed by the tenant.

6            Declarations of interest

7            Other business

8         Date of next meetings
Wednesday 31st July
(No meeting in August)
Wednesday 4th September.


Wednesday 8th May 2024 in the Old School

A.  Opening Prayer

B.  Apologies
Steve McLachlan (SM)

C.  Participants
Revd. Andi Hofbauer (Chair)(AH), Adam Bolam-Peel(ABP), Gerard Henry (GH), Edward Martin (EM), John Ogilvie (JO) (Buildings Convenor), Paul Beck (PB)(Administrator).

D.  Minutes of meeting Wednesday 28th February 2024:
Approved after one correction (Para 5.2.a, bank balance should read end ‘Feb’ not ‘Jan’). Proposed JO,  Seconded AH; all in agreement

Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting 23rd April:
Proposed EM, Seconded PB; all in agreement

1. Safeguarding

1.1  PVG
Nothing to report

1.2 Health and Safety
Nothing to report

1.3 Data Protection
Nothing to report.
PB to circulate latest roll to Vestry

2.  Worship and faith formation

2.1 Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
No-one was able to offer Marion Anderson a lift on the Diocese ‘Great day out’ on 11th May 2024

2.2  Services
30th June             
10:00 Joint service with St Cuthbert’s. Rota to be left clear to enable a reader from St Cuthbert’s. Joint Vestry meeting afterwards.

AH suggested dropping the Kyrie, keeping the Gloria, during ordinary time.

AH suggested dropping one of the readings at the Eucharist with the preacher choosing the first reading from the OT or Epistle to go with Psalm and Gospel of the day, using the Thematic OT version during ordinary time. This was agreed. PB / AH to tell the organist and inform Canon Susan.

2.3  Study Course
St Cuthbert’s are running an 8-week course on the Beatitudes on Tuesdays from 11 June.
All vestry members to sound out the congregation on 11 May about a course at St John’s on a Thursday after the service or early one evening from Mid-June to Mid-July.

AH suggested an autumn course on Generosity and Stewardship that could be run on a mixed face to face and remote basis.

3  Outreach and Ministry

3.1  Business Arising from minutes, correspondence, etc

a. AH had drafted a Mission Statement and initial Targets 2024-2026 pointing out this needs to be owned and completed by the vestry before putting it to the congregation. AH also pointed out that she cannot complete all actions on her own. Action. All vestry members are to look at the document, does it make sense, think about what’s missing, achievable targets / projects and circulate feedback for the next meeting.

EM thanked AH for her work on the Mission Statement.

b. PB reported that we appear to qualify for a ‘non-profit’ version of the MS365 Business subscription, though the transition looks fairly complicated.
PB will liaise with the treasurer designate about a shared file facility.

c. Andi’s articles have appeared in the JED Eye.

3.2 Pastoral Care
Nothing to report

3.3  Community Engagement
AH is to meet Richard the Session Clerk re the Kirking of the Callant.

Facebook is a good way for community engagement. The Kirk and St John’s account try to share and point to each other’s activities.

PB regularly uploads a service recording onto our Facebook page. It would be good to live stream services on Facebook but the broadband connection is poor.

4  Leadership and Governance

4.1  Business Arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
a. Graeme Ritchie will be available as Treasurer from late July.

b. PB contacted the Diocesan Office to confirm the status of Andi’s employment as far as HMRC is concerned. They confirmed that St John’s is the employer, not St Cuthbert’s.

5 Stewardship

5.1  Business Arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
The British Gas complaint has been resolved, with our overpayments credited. The April bill has been settled by a reduction in our credit rather than a direct debit payment.

5.2  Financials

a.  Reports

The bank balance at the end of March was £97959 (down from £99659 at the end of February).
PB will circulate the April figures as soon as they are available.

5.3 Buildings

a.  Church
An electrical problem affected the organ on Sunday 5 May. The electrician has tested the circuit and recommended not using the oil-filled heater on full power from the same double socket. He confirms the water heater switch near the sink can be changed to a single socket for the kettle.

A contractor has inspected the yew trees advising they can be cut back and reduced in height to say eight feet but will look sparse for 12 – 18 months. He recommended removing a couple of firs. Estimated cost awaited

SM was going to research portable toilets and will report back.

b. Rectory
JO looking into enhanced glazing provision for the Rectory sash windows at the rear of the property in a conservation are and will write to SBC.

c.  Old School
On legal advice from Diocesan Registrar, JO wrote on 28th April to Gail Stevenson  (Cheviot Youth) in response to the proposal to terminate the lease and we have not yet suggested a meeting. JO will chase them for a response.

d.  Flat
Our tenant requests a key for the lever lock on the front door, as the yale lock often fails to latch. Mattlocks in town will be contacted about a new lock / repair.

6 Declarations of Interest

Other Business

8  Dates of next meetings
12th June (Wednesday)
30th June (Sunday) Joint meeting with St Cuthbert’s after service


Tuesday 2nd April 2024 in the Old School

A. Opening Prayer

B. Apologies
Gerard Henry, Edward Martin

C. Participants
Revd. Andi Hofbauer (Chair) (AH), Adam Bolam-Peel (AB-P), Steve McLachlan (SM), John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor) (JO), Paul Beck (Administrator) (PB).

D. Minutes of meeting Wednesday 28th February 2024:
accepted unanimously as a true record. Proposed PB, seconded JO.

1 Safeguarding

1.1 PVG
Nothing to report

1.2 Health and Safety
Nothing to report

1.3 Data Protection
Nothing to report

2 Worship and faith formation

2.1 Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
Our CCLI copyright licences are now renewed.

2.2 Services
Vestry expressed thanks to AH for leading Holy Week and Easter services, and to PB for printing all the pew sheets. Services were well-received, and we welcomed several members of the Parish Church congregation during Holy Week.

(To be confirmed with St. Cuthbert’s Vestry): the next joint 5th Sunday services will be 30th June at St John’s and 29th September at St. Cuthbert’s.

The large patten and chalice need some repair. AH will seek advice from clergy colleagues about where to take them.

2.3 Study Courses
Those who participated in the on-line Lent Course (“Live Lent – Let your light shine”) agreed it had been a good choice. AH suggests we might consider four courses each year, which could alternate between published material (such as the Pilgrim courses) and home-grown material.
Action: Before the next meeting, consult members of the congregation, individually and by including this topic in notices.

3 Outreach and ministry

3.1 Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc (Item 3.1 of February minutes)

a. There is no actual Mission Action Plan from previous years, but PB has assembled information about (1) Vestry meetings and workshops in 2019 and (2) the Congregational meeting in September 2021 which touch on relevant issues, and will pass this to AH to look at alongside the Profile we produced for last year’s recruitment.

b. MS365 Family subscription does not provide shared file storage, but there is a ‘non-profit’ version of the MS365 Business subscription for qualifying charities that might be worth investigating.
Action: PB to pursue this further.

3.2 Pastoral care

Vestry was very pleased to hear of a congregation member’s continued improvement after long-delayed hip replacement.

3.3 Community engagement (NB – this will be a regular agenda item from now on)

a. AH has sent two articles to Jed Eye but neither has appeared so far, and she will try to find out why.

b. The next High Street market will be on 25th August (11.00 – 14.00). What is the best way for St. John’s to have a presence?

c. Can St. John’s restart its pre-Covid practice of offering refreshments to passing riders at the Callant’s Festival? Also, we should participate in the Kirking ceremony at the Parish Church on 7th July.

4 Leadership and governance

4.1 Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc

AH and JO attended the Vestry Training Day. Both felt it was very informative about Vestry duties and responsibilities and recommended it to those who have not yet been. Dean Frances strongly encouraged us to appoint a Synod representative.
Action: JO to circulate the presentation slides.

5 Stewardship

5.1 Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc

The smart meter is working, but the complaint about British Gas errors at the start of our contract with them are not yet resolved.
Action: Paul to write again.

5.2 Financials

a. Reports

The bank balance at the end of January was £99659 (up from £90131 at the end of January). Items to note in the February bank statement:

• Receipt of the anticipated £10000 legacy from MHT. No restrictions were stipulated. Vestry agreed to ringfence this sum from day-to-day expenditure and identify a suitable project.

• Routine receipts and payments are now in place:
IN – Stipend support payments from Edinburgh and Rectory lost rent subsidy from Hawick;
OUT – standing orders for Stipend, Pension and Quota.

5.3 Buildings

a. Church

Two possible improvements were mooted, for which JO will seek advice and costing: (i) reducing the yew trees between the lychgate and the porch; (ii) fitting a lockable door on the vestry.

JO and AH having noted the metal ramp at St. Peter’s, Galashiels, we agreed to consider whether level access to the Church door could be achieved more cheaply – if less elegantly – than with the scheme offered for St. John’s by our architect. Vestry will consider this further, together with the best way to provide toilet facilities, on its 12th May post-service walk round the site.

b. Rectory

Estimates have been received for downstairs window and door replacement at the back of the building. We agreed to apply for Diocesan “net zero” funding once we have planning permission.

c. Old School

We received from SBC a final reminder to renew St. John’s landlord registration, due to expire 5th April. JO has done this, updated the contact details, and will check the registration status of the flat.

AH will try to have a discussion with Cheviot Youth management about using part(s) of the Old School more regularly. PB observed that they seemed to be using the building less than was envisaged when the lease was negotiated.

d. Flat

Nothing to report.

6 Declarations of interest


7 Other business

Scottish Borders Council has told us that demolition of most of the former Grammar School is now out to tender and due to be completed by September. Eildon Housing Association is interested in developing part of it for an Extra Care Home.

8 Next meeting

• Wednesday 8th May. Thereafter, we will return to Tuesday evenings, either the 2nd or the 3rd of the month (to be confirmed).

• At AH’s suggestion, we will look at alternating general business meetings with meetings that concentrate on specific topics.

• Sunday 12th May: walk round the site after the morning service.


Wednesday 28th Feb. 2024 in the Old School

A.       Opening Prayer

B.       Apologies           

C.        Participants
Revd. Andi Hofbauer (Chair)(AH), Adam Bolam-Peel (ABP), Gerard Henry (GH), Steve McLachlan (SM), Edward Martin (EM), John Ogilvie (JO) (Buildings Convenor), Paul Beck (PB)(Administrator).

D.       Minutes of meeting Wednesday 24th January 2024.
Proposed PB, Seconded JO – all in agreement

  1. Safeguarding

1.1        PVG
AH has received from the Bishop a number of Licences to continue to provide service for St Johns. 
Action AH to distribute to recipients.

1.2        Health and Safety

1.3        Data Protection
AH has been in communication with a family, that could be potential new members.

2         Worship and faith formation
AH has received a YEEK poster for the July/August youth gathering.  The cost for participants is £500, St Johns will fund £250 and a participants cost of £250.  It is AH’s aspiration to identify potential participants.  AH has made contact with Cheviot Youth and will follow this up with further meetings.

2.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
AH has received correspondence on the Diocese ‘Great day out’ on 11th May 2024 at St Mary’s Cathedral.  The day will focus on Prayer.

2.2        Services

1st March – World Day of Prayer service is to be held at St. John’s.
24th March – Palm Sunday, 10.00 Eucharist with Blessing of Palms
25th March – 11.30 Chrism Eucharist at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh
26th March – 10.00 Said Eucharist
28th March – Maundy Thursday, 19.00 Eucharist of the Last Supper, followed by the Watch (until 22.00)
29th March – Good Friday, 13.00 Walk of Witness
14.00 Holy Hour and Liturgy of Good Friday
30th March – 19.00 Easter Vigil
(clocks change to summer time)
31st March – Easter Day, 10.00 Easter Day Eucharist

2.3        Study Course
AH reported the Lent course is going well with a small numbers but enthusiastic participants. 
Action. PB is to produce c20 further copies for the booklet being used and give to AH

3         Outreach and Ministry

3.1        Business Arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
AH reminded Vestry that a Mission Action Plan (MAP) will be required shortly,  As their appears to be no formal template for a MAP it was suggested to look at previous MAPs and model best practice from them.

AH suggested that items from the MAP could become permanent agenda points to keep Vestry on track in future meetings. 
Action. PB to locate and hand over to AH previous examples of MAPs

PB suggested a subscription to MS 365 (family) would resolve some access problems to shared documents that MS 365 (individual) is exhibiting.  PB will explore costings.  Vestry authorised PB to upgrade service as applicable. 
Proposed EM, seconded JO, all present in agreement.
Action. PB to upgrade MS 365 service provision as deemed appropriate.

3.2        Pastoral Care
Home communion 29th February 2014

4         Leadership and Governance

4.1        Business Arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
AH, JO, PB have supplied their names for the Register of Controlling Interests after reassurance on liabilities was received from Diocesan Registrar Pippa Snell.
AH reported that there is a £500 cost for each registered building. Diocesan will offset the cost by £250 per building and St Johns funding the other £250 per building.

PB has sent the Bishop a letter requesting the suspension of presentation under Canon 13.9.

AH reported attending Diocesan Synod where they voted on new Canons that they discussed.

AH reported attending the Area Council meeting where they discussed:

  • Shared issues and successes
  • Look at the change of Canons.
  • The sharing of ministry with other Denomination faith leaders, and limitations.
  • Lay people safeguarding.

The next Area Council meeting will be in Eyemouth on 4th July.

AH reaffirmed the requirement to appoint a Lay Rep.

5            Stewardship

5.1        Business Arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
The shared arrangement for meeting AH’s mileage and other expenses has started, St. Cuthbert’s Vestry paying in the first instance and St. John’s being billed for 50%.

There is now a smart meter in the vestry, installed on 21st February.

5.2        Financials

a.              Reports
The bank balance at the end of January was £90130 (down from £94405 at the end of December).

PB drew Vestry’s attention to two large overpayments for December electricity consumption, based on (a) British Gas incorrect estimates and (b) British Gas  ignoring our opening readings for 1 December, when the contract started. PB is pursuing a complaint with British Gas.

A letter has been received from Hastings (Solicitors), acting for Helen Tyler’s estate, they advise Helen has left St. John’s a legacy of £10,000.  AH said that Vestry need to discuss at the next Vestry meeting on how we manage the bequest, (ring fence or put into the general account).

5.3        Buildings

a.              Church
AH and JO reviewed the Quinquennial report, in situ.  It was felt that this exercise should also be undertaken by Vestry.  A date was set for 12th May after the 10.30 service.  It is believed this will take no more than an hour.

JO will contact the building contractors to look at and cost all the high level work, (finials, slates, flashings etc).

JO to contact Rev Bob King (St Andrews, Kelso) to discuss the secondary glazing they have had installed with a view to implement at St Johns.

b.              Rectory
JO looking into enhanced glazing provision for the Rectory sash windows in a conservation area.

AH that some trees in the Rectory Garden need to be thinned/removed.  JO will have a look; it might be a job that could be undertaken from the congregation.

c.              Old School
The lease to Cheviot Youth signed 3 Oct 2021 is halfway through and AH felt that it would be appropriate to review the contract.

AH wants to explore with Cheviot Youth access to the ground-floor room, be that permanent or on a ‘as and when’ basis.

d.              Flat

6            Declarations of Interest

7            Other Business
PB advised the CCLI copyright licences (mainly choir requirement) will run out at the end of March. Vestry agreed to authorise PB to renew the licences.
Action. PB to renew the licences and certificates.

Proposed EM, seconded JO, all agreed

AH to attend Vestry Training Day 16th March Galashiels.

PB noted Bishop John’s letter 20/2 mentioning the “Investing in the Future” programme (of which we are beneficiaries).

AH and PB have contacted the Diocesan requesting they updated the Diocesan website.

8            Date of next meeting
2nd April (Tuesday)
8th May (Wednesday)

The meeting ended with Grace at 2050hrs


Wednesday 24th January 2024 in the Old School

A.       Opening Prayer
Opening prayer was led by rev Andi Hofbauer (Chair)

B.          Apologies
Gerard Henry

C.           Participants
Revd. Andi Hofbauer (Chair), Adam Bolam-Peel, Steve McLachlan, Edward Martin, John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor), Paul Beck

D.       Minutes of meeting Wednesday 24th December 2023.
We accepted the minutes without modification, proposed by John, seconded by Steve, unanimously agreed.

1            Safeguarding

1.1        PVG
Andi has returned the application for the extension for the bishop’s licence for Paul, Liz and Margaret, a formality only.

1.2        Health and Safety
No issues to report.

1.3        Data Protection
The congregational contact list has been reviewed and updated.

2         Worship and faith formation

2.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
Joint services:  March June, September and December will have 5 Sundays and we had suggested joint services.  March is Easter Sunday, so we will plan joint services on the last Sunday June and September.

2.2        Services
Mid-week services have started in St John’s on Thursday, there will be an additional service on Wednesday 14th Feb to commemorate Ash Wednesday.

Andi has found suitable material for a lent course, based on John’s Gospel with a daily devotional, to be made available to the congregation.  There will be 5 zoom sessions starting w/c 19th February, day to be confirmed.  This will likely be offered as a joint course with Hawick and repeated face to face in Hawick.

Nothing has been confirmed for Holy Week but Andi is open for input.  Stations of the cross was suggested and recorded reflections.

3         Outreach and ministry

3.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
2 foodbank  referrals have been processed.

3.2        Pastoral care
No pastoral care issues to report.

4         Leadership and governance

4.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
The St John’s Zoom account renewal has been renewed but we will look to cancel so that one account can be shared between Hawick and Jedburgh.  Andi to pay monthly invoices and expense it and it will be linked to Andi’s email address.

4.2        Canon 13.9
The Vestry of the incumbency of St. John the Evangelist, Jedburgh requests the College of Bishops, under Canon 13.9, to suspend presentation to the incumbency for a period of three years.

Proposed by Paul, Seconded by Edward, passed unanimously.

4.3        Register of controlling interests in land
An email was received from Simon Filsell on 19/1 advising that we need to supply 3 contacts for a register of controlling interests for land owned by St Johns.

We agreed that Andi, Paul and John would be named subject to they receive assurances from the Diocesan Registrar that there are no personal liability issues.

Prosed by Steve, Seconded by Edward, agreed unanimously.

5            Stewardship

5.1        Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
None arising.

5.2        Financials

a.           Reports
The bank balance at the end of December was £94405 (up from £89328 at the end of November).

Items to note in the December bank statement:
RECEIVED – the first monthly payment from Hawick for lost rental income on the Rectory, the first “Pastoral Support” payment from the Diocese, and the 50% grant towards Rectory refurbishment from the Provincial Buildings Committee.

PAID – the first of ten Quota instalments, and the final payments to Scottish Power.

b.           Stipend and Pension contributions
Monthly standing orders for both Stipend and SEC Pension Scheme are now set up for the end of February payroll, a cheque has been sent for January. For December, we await the bill for the manual part-month payment; the Pension payment has been made. St. John’s employer’s UTR having expired after two years’ non-use, we had to apply for a new one.

c.           Shared expenses
Andi will submit monthly expenses, copies to send to Sue Bennet (with receipts) and to a contact in Hawick and Jedburgh (Paul) who need to authorise.  We will propose to Hawick vestry that Hawick pay the expenses and Jedburgh reimburse them 50% and that contact point from either vestry can authorise the expenses.

Proposed by Adam, seconded by Paul agreed unanimously.

d.           Advent appeal
Vestry formally agreed to round up the Advent Appeal proceeds and send cheques for £250 to both SIM (UK) and Aberlour Options (Borders). Cheques sent.

5.3        Buildings

a.           Church
The British Gas electricity contract began 1 December. There is a problem with manual readings and bills. We are “in the queue for smart meter assessment”.

Next steps in Accessibility project. Andi asked John to organise for her a tour of the buildings to get familiar with the issues we face.

b.           Rectory
John to chase about a council tax refund for the period the rectory was empty.

Andi is arranging to get the doorbell fixed.

An arborist friend of Andi pointed out that there are 2 sycamores which could be causing structural problems.  John will approach Stuart Lees for advice.

John to approach a company in Yetholm to look at secondary glazing for the rectory.

c.           Old School
Nothing to report.

d.           Flat

Both the flat and rectory will be tested for legionella.

6            Declarations of interest


7            Other business

We will add Andi to the board of incumbents now rather than at the end of her tenure.

We need to discuss items arising from the memorandum of understanding between the vestries and a have mission action plan within 6 months of Andi’s appointment.

8            Date of next meetings Wednesday 21st February, Steve to take minutes.


Wednesday 20th Dec. 2023 in the Old School

A.       Opening Prayer

B.       Apologies
Ruth Johnson

C.        Participants
Revd. Andi Hofbauer (Chair), Adam Bolam-Peel, Gerard Henry, Steve McLachlan, Edward Martin, John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor), Paul Beck

D.       Minutes of meeting Tuesday 21st November 2023.
The minutes of the meeting of 21st November were accepted as a true record (proposed by John, seconded by Gerard).

Members agreed to concentrate mainly on essential post-AGM business and reports back, with weightier matters to be held over for the January meeting.

1            Safeguarding

1.1     PVG – nothing to report to Vestry

1.2     Health and Safety – nothing to report to Vestry

1.3     Data Protection – nothing to report to Vestry

2         Worship and faith formation

2.1     Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
We noted that the Zoom Advent Study Group took place very successfully on Tuesday 19th December, though with small numbers.

2.2     Services
We agreed to move St. John’s midweek services back to Thursday from the beginning of 2024.

We celebrated the success of the Collation service at Hawick and the joint Eucharist at Jedburgh the following Sunday, and agreed to discuss holding further joint services – perhaps on 5th Sundays.

3         Outreach and ministry

3.1     Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc

3.2     Pastoral care
We noted with great sadness the recent death of Revd. Richard Pedersen.

4         Leadership and governance

4.1     Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc

4.2     Annual returns
Annual reporting to the Diocese is complete (Diocesan Finance Schedule, Congregational statistics – thanks to Susan Macdonald for help in gathering the latter) and following the adoption of the Accounts at the AGM, these will be uploaded to OSCR. The Diocesan Schedules (to record personnel changes) have not yet been sent out.

4.2     Vestry membership and functions
We accepted with great regret Ruth Johnson’s resignation from Vestry on health grounds and thanked her for her participation.

Christine McLachlan decided not to stand again for Vestry at the AGM in view of family responsibilities. We thanked her for many years of service in various capacities. 

There being no candidate for the post of Secretary, we agreed to co-opt Paul Beck as Administrator (proposed Edward, seconded Steve). The task of taking minutes would be rotated amongst any willing members (Adam for the January meeting). Edward proposed a vote of thanks to Paul for his work during the vacancy.

Having attended the Diocesan Vestry training day in Edinburgh in September 2023, Paul recommended that members attend the local session being offered in March 2024. He said that the September meeting had raised interesting issues about trustee liability, indemnity insurance and SCIO status, all of which deserved further consideration.

Gerard questioned whether Vestry needs to meet every month.

5            Stewardship

5.1     Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc

5.2     Financials

a.        Reports
The bank balance at the end of November was £89328 (down from £98241 at the end of October). Paul noted that two known receipts were yet to appear – the monthly support payments from the Diocese and the 50% grant from the Provincial Buildings Committee towards the Rectory refurbishment.

b.       Stipend and Pension contributions
Each charge has now paid separately into the SEC Pension Scheme for the part-month of December and set up monthly S/O payments from January onwards. The Diocesan Treasurer has agreed to bill us for the actual Payroll cost for December and to advise the S/O amounts for January onwards when the accountants’ new charges are known.

c.        Shared expenses
Sue Bennett – who is now keeping the books for both Jedburgh and Hawick – will write to each Vestry to outline the practical issues to be decided about claims and reimbursement. Andi, Paul and Sue Crozier will discuss the options.

d.       Advent appeal
As in previous years, we agreed to divide the Carol Service retiring collection between Church and Rotary charities, and to add our 50% to the Advent Appeal.

Ralph Nagle has asked us to donate £100 on his behalf to our chosen charities instead of paying or gifting for his churchyard maintenance – we agreed to add this amount to the Advent Appeal. Andi will write to thank him for the work he does.

5.2     Buildings

a.        Church
Johnhas accepted estimates from GutterPro (recommended to us by Bob King) for gutter inspection and clearing, and for cleaning the parts of the church interior we cannot safely reach.

b.        Rectory
There is decorating work still to be completed. Minor electrical repairs are needed.

c.        Old School
GutterPro will inspect and clear the gutters. John has reminded Cheviot Youth about the need for low level background heating to avoid another water pipe burst.  

d.        Flat
Information about temporary secondary glazing has been passed to our tenant.  

6         Declarations of interest

7         Other business

7.1     Signing
Andi signed a copy of St. John’s current Constitution. In the absence of a Vestry Chair, we nominated Gerard (proposed Paul, seconded, John) to countersign the copy and also to sign the Hawick-Jedburgh MOU. Both documents will be returned to Bishop John.

7.2     Accessibility
We agreed to follow up the planned accessibility works with urgency in 2024.

7.3     Thanks
Andi will make contact with all the Borders clergy who have taken services during the vacancy.

8         Date of next meetings
Wednesday 24th January.
