Minutes of meetings since the December 2024 AGM.
Minutes are added only after they have been approved (and, if necessary, amended) at the following meeting.
22 January 2025 | 25 February 2025 |
Previous year:
2023 – 2024 minutes
Vestry Meeting, Wednesday 22nd January 2025
A. Opening Prayer
B. Apologies NIL
C. Participants
Revd. Andi Hofbauer (AH) (Chair), John Ogilvie (Buildings Convenor) (JO), Graeme Ritchie (Treasurer) (GR), Edward Martin (EM), Pat Driver (Lay Representative) (PD), Steve McLachlan (SM).
D. Welcome. AH Welcomed PD as the Lay Rep.
E. Thanks AH gave a vote of thanks to Paul Beck (PB) for his dedicated service to Vestry and St John’s. Also Thanks to ABP and GH who stood down from Vestry at the AGM.
Action Point. AH to send a card and appropriate gift to PB, ABP, GH
F. Minutes of meeting 27th November 2024:
SM was a participant at the meeting, this omission was noted. With nothing else raised the minutes were accepted as a true record (proposed EM, seconded GR, Unanimous show of hands).
2.1 Business Arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
AH had notification of World day of prayer on 7th March, at the Catholic Church. Details to follow.
2.2 Services
AH recapped on services and activities since the last meeting, they included:
a, Christmas Tree Festival, St John’s had a tree and AH was a steward for a few sessions.
b, Advent Study Course
c, Messy Church at the Parish Church.
d, Carol Service with Rotary Club.
e, Joint Service with St Cuthbert (Hawick) 5th Jan
Advance notice included:
a, Next joint service (at Jedburgh) 30th March
b, Lent begins 5th March (will be a lent Course – details to follow)
c, Synod 15th February
2.3 Faith Formation NIL
3.1 Business Arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
Calligraphy: the person who last updated the memorial book is out of the country until May. Vestry decided to wait until they are back before updating.
3.2 Pastoral Care
Bi-Monthly Communion and afternoon tea to be held at Joan Bennett’s house on 25th January.
3.3 Community Engagement
a, AH is working on submitting article/Interview for the JedEye.
b, Christmas Tree Festival. December 24.
4.1 Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
AH has had a discussion with PB. He has opted to remain on the service rota and not be co-opted again as Administrator. However, he will keep some background administrative tasks as necessary:
a, Website.
b, Cloud storage. (Box duties)
c, Pew sheet
d, Emails, but will continue until AH gets back from Germany.
PB will not undertake:
a, General Admin Duties
b, Email administration (see 4.1,d above)
c, correspondence.
d, being named on the Register of Controlling Interest in Land
PB has a wealth of knowledge of the administrative function and will still be available to assist in the smooth running, if required.
4.2 Secretarial Functions
The discussion was ranging however, options thrown out included:
a, Recruiting a volunteer to take minutes of vestry meetings.
b, Recruit and offer payment for administrative duties.
c, Have day time meetings to accommodate (a, b above)
Action Point. AH to ask PB for a “Job Description”
4.3 End of Year Returns
We have uploaded our annual return to OSCR, and sent congregational statistics and the financial schedule to the Diocese.
5.1 Business arising from minutes, correspondence, etc
a, The refund of the January 2024 stipend overpayment £1395.50 was received from the Diocese in December.
b, We still have not received room hire invoices from the Cheviot Youth treasurer. Not including this meeting, we appear to owe them for 16 hours @ £10.50 an hour. We need to be scrupulous in all financial dealings with Cheviot Youth.
Action Point: AH to liaise with GR to request an invoice from Cheviot Youth for room hire.
5.2 Financials
5.2.1 Advent Appeal The amount given was £270
5.2.2 Ralph Nigel Donation. Mr Nagel is happy for the donation of £100 to top up Advent appeal. He would like to know the outcome. Action required
5.2.3 Carol Service Collection The retiring collection came to £93, to be shared between St. John’s and Rotary for our respective charities. We will send Rotary £58.12, including 50% of the small donations gift aid we will claim. Action Required
5.2.4 Treasurer’s Report
a, The bank balance at the end of December was £110,293.
b, GR is estimating the daily running costs of £100. (£36500)
c. GR is working a ‘Gift Aid’ letter to send to church Members Feb/Mar.
d, Coffee and biscuits after the service was discussed. Ultimately they have to be paid for. It was unclear about who pays for them currently, and donation policy. A notice to be added in the pew sheet to provide some clarity and a poster. Action Point
5.2.5 Old School
a, In the current environment the ‘old School’ is a liability.
b, It would appear that Cheviot Youth have not paid Dec 24 rent and that they may have washed their hand of it. If this is the case St John’s would have to accommodate:
- Insurance liability
- Electricity liability
c, GR has had a meeting with Diocesan Representative Paul Goode and started to explore the procedure for the Diocese to take over responsibility, because this is an issue bigger than vestry can manage without professional resources.
d, It was the general consensus that legal intervention is required. Pippa Snell (Diocesan Registrar) to be approached for legal advice and support.
Action Point: AH, GR to contact and seek support and Guidance from Diocese
5.3 Buildings
5.3.1 Church
a, SM reported that George Waugh Engineers have made a site visit to take detailed measurements. It is anticipated building the ramps will be imminent.
b, JO reported the tree surgeon has been unwell but work will commence shortly
c, Work on a toilet was put on hold.
d, Pew Removal. The next step is to apply for Canon 35 to remove the pews to make a usable space for activities.
Action Point: JO to start application process.
5.3.2 Old School (see 5.2.5)
5.3.3 Rectory
a, Drains have been cleared
b, JO to chase up on the window Action required
c. Old School
(5.2.d above)
d. Flat NIL
6 Declarations of Interest NIL
7 Other Business
a, A former member of St. John’s congregation, Ian Robertson, has offered to commission an icon of St. John from Catherine Lomas as a gift to the church.
b, The Diocese is offering two training events for Vestry members in 2025: one in March (Edinburgh) and one in September (Haddington).
c, AH had a supervisory meeting/visit from the Dean. This was useful in highlighting the practical difficulties of ministry in the Borders.
d, AH has the opportunity to stand for election to the preparatory committee which plays a crucial role in recruiting the next Bishop.
e, We have been offered 20 chairs. However we have declined this kind offer.
8 Next Meeting
25th February @ 19.00. Venue to be confirmed.